I couldn't find a recent question about this.

It seems that using [autocomplete=off] in the input tags, indeed removes the auto-complete suggestions, however the autofill option native to the browser is still there.

Alternatively using [autocomplete=new-password] removes the auto-fill option, but not the autocomplete.

Is the only real alternative, create randomized names for each input?

Thanks for the input.

  • Does this answer your question? [Chrome ignores autocomplete="off"](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12374442/chrome-ignores-autocomplete-off) – Nathan Champion Jul 10 '20 at 17:54
  • Not really, not only it doesn't have any accepted answers, none of the answers actually addresses the issue, and are from 5 yrs ago. – Lalo Santos Jul 10 '20 at 17:59
  • from mozilla: "If a browser keeps on making suggestions even after setting autocomplete to off, then you have to change the name attribute of the input element." [How to turn off form autocompletion](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Securing_your_site/Turning_off_form_autocompletion) – Chris L Jul 10 '20 at 18:02

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