I am using MS SQL server 2019 as a database server and i have enabled SSL on SQL server. I am connecting this SQL server using Java application. So, Java application is client in my case. I have also enabled SSL on client side. I am able to connect SQL server from client using SSL.

I have configured below setting for server(MS SQL) and client(Java App)(Connecting only one server instance)

SQL Server side settings : Force Encryption =Yes & import the certificate in sql server configuration manager

Client side setting (Java App) : Certificate has to add in java trust store & encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate="FQDN

My Question is : What will be the configuration when server(MS SQL) is clustered ?

Q-1 what will be common name(FQDN) while generating certificate when server(MS SQL) is clustered ?

Q-2 What will be value of "hostNameInCertificate" in client(Java app) when server(MS SQL) is clustered ?

Q-3 does there any different configuration on server(MS SQL) and Client(Java App) when server(MS SQL) is clustered ? Can you please also suggest any doc that describes to enable SSL when server(MS SQL) is clustered ?

ashish gupta
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