I am using python installation: python-2.7.13.amd64.msi I know it is old but we really must use 2.7 because of specific program.

I try to install that package from DevOps platform, I try to set for Pyhton to be for ALL USERS

$arguments_python = @(
"/l* $TMP_INSTALLATION\PythonInstallLog.txt"
Write-Host("========== Python Installation Install ==========")
Start-Process -FilePath "$FOLDER\python-2.7.13.amd64.msi" -ArgumentList $arguments_python -Wait
Write-Host("========== Python Installation Complete ==========")

Folder C:\Python27 is created, registry for Python is created but no program is presented in Control Panel. I thought that by adding argument ALLUSERS=1 will resolve the issue but nothing. Maybe I am missing some syntax?

From docs: "ALLUSERS=1 causes an installation for all users. By default, the non-interactive installation install the package just for the current user, and the interactive installation offers a dialog which defaults to "all users" if the user is sufficiently privileged." Python is recognizable from other programs because of this and I cannot properly uninstall the python because it does not exist in Control Panel.

Please help me, I am trying to do the silent installation from PowerShell from specific platform but cannot install it successfully. If I run it from the server side it can be installed properly.


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  • Is your question how do uninstall Python after a silent install? If so, this [question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/450027/uninstalling-an-msi-file-from-the-command-line-without-using-msiexec) might help you. – logicaldiagram Jul 07 '20 at 19:26
  • Hi. No it is not. My question is why I cannot install it so it can be presented in Control Panel although I am using "ALLUSERS=1". Also because of this then my pip is not recognized as command since Python is not installed properly for all users. I need help in order to determine why I cannot install Pyhton properly so it is presented in Control Panel when I am isntalling it from external system using the PowerShell code. Thank you in advance – AndreyDonald Jul 07 '20 at 21:30

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