I have installed Python 3.7.7 via Homebrew in the terminal. However, I could not find any executable file even though I followed the instructions here.

enter image description here

All files here are aliases, and cannot be executed. What should I do next to create a file in Xcode?

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  • What do you need to do with the files? Why must they be executable? And to find the path of python3, run `type python3` in the terminal – TheTechRobo36414519 Jul 03 '20 at 13:50
  • Why do you want to use Xcode? As far as I know, it offers no IDE support for Python, and if you just need a text editor, there are plenty of more lightweight choices. Time to learn Emacs or vim! – Ture Pålsson Jul 03 '20 at 14:11
  • @TurePålsson This is because I previously performed my C files in Xcode. Now I changed my mind to use visual studio rather than wasting hours to fix this issue. – weilam06 Jul 03 '20 at 14:31

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