My Razor web page MVC 4.7 contains a form.

Pressing submit triggers a javascript function which validates the input data and then calls,


My server-side HttpPost function uses the form data to insert a new record into a database.

It then updates a variable contained in the model to persist the new record's Id which I need back in the view.

My controller method looks something like this:

public ActionResult SaveEnlevement(FormModel model)
   var item = BllClass.AddNewRecord(FormModel);

   model.Id = item.Id;

   return View("formPartial", model);

My page view contains:

@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Id, new { @id = "ItemId" })

The code immediately following my submit goes like this.

var NewIdOfItem = $("#ItemId").val()

I need to retrieve the Id of the new record and yet, once the form has submitted, $("#ItemId").val() is empty.

My presumption is that subsequent js needs to be contained in a sort of callback?

What would be the most effective way of getting the Id of my new record following form postback?

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