I'm using Angular (not important for this problem but explains the syntax) and have something like this:


<button (click)="setIframeSrc('http://mypage.com/page1')">Page 1</button>
<button (click)="setIframeSrc('http://mypage.com/page2')">Page 2</button>

<iframe [src]="iframeSource"></iframe>


setIframeSrc(url) {
    this.iframeSource = url;

The site "mypage.com" is my own website that is a SPA application, meaning there is no page reloads happening when going from Page 1 to Page 2.

Current behaviour

  1. I click the "Page 1" button
  2. The iframe loads in mypage.com/page1
  3. I click the "Page 2" button
  4. The iframe reloads and loads in mypage.com/page2

Wanted behaviour:

  1. I click the "Page 1" button
  2. The iframe loads in mypage.com/page1
  3. I click the "Page 2" button
  4. A navigation to mypage.com/page2 occurs in the iframe without reloading the whole iframe

When I click the two buttons I want "mypage.com" to only load on the first click and every subsequent click should not reload the iframe but just navigate inside the iframe.

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1 Answers1


If your parent site is on the same domain as child sites (mypage.com) you can try this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45828201/10672983

If you have a cross-domain problems, you can try to simple messaging system parent-> child:

How to communicate between iframe and the parent site?


 myIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('/page2', '*');


window.onmessage = function(e){