At the end of the code, there is a sc.nextDouble(); that has been causing the error, it is of the correct data type, I do not know what I need to do fix this error. If you copy the code the error is at line 117. I have been inputting the correct format, but keep getting the error.

I have put two ** signs around the line that has been causing the error

//importing java utility tools

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Movie {

    //creating private variables for theMovie object parameters
    private double price;
    private String schedule;
    private String movieName;
    //creating a movie constructors that takes in 3 parameters to create a
    //movie object
    Movie(String movieName, String schedule, double price){
        this.movieName = movieName;
        this.schedule = schedule;
        this.price = price;

    //creating a Default movie Constructor
        movieName = "Frozen II";
        price = 17.99;
        schedule = "2:00-5:00pm";

    //Creating a movie constructors that takes in parameters of a new Movie
    Movie(Movie newMovie){
        this.movieName = newMovie.movieName;
        this.schedule = newMovie.schedule;
        this.price = newMovie.price;

    //Creating getters and setters to return and set the parameters of the Movie object
    public String getMovieName(){
        return movieName;
    public void setMovieName(String movieName){
        this.movieName = movieName;
    public String getSchedule(){
        return schedule;
    public void setSchedule(String schedule){
        this.schedule = schedule;
    public double getPrice(){
        return price;
    public void setPrice(double price){
        this.price = price;

    //Creating the addPrice() method that adds the value passed
    //and adds it the price of the movie.
    public void addPrice(double p){
        this.price += p;

    //Creating the toString() method that returns the name, schedule and price
    //of the movie
    public String toString(){
        return "Name: "+movieName+"\n"+
                "Schedule "+schedule + "\n" +
                "price $"+ price;

    //Creating a boolean method that checks if Movie is equal to the m movie object
    public boolean equals(Movie m) {
        if (this.movieName.equals(m.movieName) && this.schedule.equals(m.schedule)
                && this.price == m.price) {
            return true;
        return false;

        //creating the main method
        public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception{
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

            //welcome message
            System.out.println("|   Welcome to the Movie Program!    |");

            Movie movie1 = new Movie();

            //Prompting the user to enter the information of movie 2
            System.out.println("Please enter the name, schedule and price of Movie 2:");
            String name = sc.nextLine();
            String schedule = sc.nextLine();
            double price = sc.nextDouble();

            //setting the parameters of movie to with the user given name, schedule and price
            Movie movie2 = new Movie(name, schedule, price);

            //setting movie 3 with the same details as movie 2 by using Movie 2 as the parameter refrence
            Movie movie3 = new Movie(movie2);
            System.out.println("Movie 1 is "+"\n"+movie1.toString());
            System.out.println("Movie 2 is "+"\n"+movie2.toString());
            System.out.println("Movie 3 is "+"\n"+movie3.toString());

            //creating a boolean variable that checks the equality of movie 2 and movie 3
            boolean equality = movie2.equals(movie3);

            if (equality){
                System.out.println("The movie \n"+movie2.toString()+"\n is equal to the Movie \n" +

            //prompting the user to enter the information of Movie 1 and overriding the default Movie Constructor
            System.out.println("Please enter the information of Movie 1");
            name = sc.nextLine();
            schedule = sc.nextLine();
            **price = sc.nextDouble();**

            //setting the name, schedule and price of movie 1

            //adding the price of movie 3 to movie 2

            //printing out the new movie list information
            System.out.println("Movie 1 info is \n"+movie1.toString());
            System.out.println("Movie 2 info is \n"+movie1.toString());
            System.out.println("Movie 3 info is \n"+movie1.toString());

            //creating a double variable that contains the prices of movie 1, 2 and 3 added together

            double totalPrice = movie1.price + movie2.price + movie3.price;

            //printing out the total price of the movies
            System.out.println("The total price of Movie 1, Movie 2 and Movie 3 is "+totalPrice);

            //farewell message
            System.out.println("|       Thank you for using          |");
            System.out.println("|        our Movie program!          |");


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