I have a few lists of the form:

['For Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP', 'Firm Registration Number: 012754N/N500016', 'Chartered Accountants', 'Baskar Pannerselvam', 'Meaning of Internal Financial Controls with reference to Financial Statements', 'Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls with reference to Financial Statements']
["(Firm''s Registration No. 117366W/W-100018)", 'B. P. Shroff', 'Partner', '(Membership No. 34382)', 'Other Matters', 'For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS LLP']
['For B S R & Co. LLP', 'Chartered Accountants', 'ICAI Firm’s registration No.: 101248W/W-100022', 'Jiten Chopra', '(0.58%)', '(0.57%)']
['Firm Reg. No.000235N', '(Sanjiv Mohan)', 'Partner', 'M. No. 086066', 'Opinion', 'Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements']

I want to extract two items after Firm's Registration Number which can be in several different formats as shown below. Some have brackets around them, some have double apostrophes. How could I generalize? Would it be wise to just slice the list? Ultimately I want the name in that list for example 'Baskar Pannerselvam' in the first one.

I tried Spacy but it fails on Indian names.

  • Looks like you are looking to create a regex, but do not know where to get started. Please check [Reference - What does this regex mean](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22937618) resource, it has plenty of hints. Also, refer to [Learning Regular Expressions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4736) post for some basic regex info. Once you get some expression ready and still have issues with the solution, please edit the question with the latest details and we'll be glad to help you fix the problem. – Wiktor Stribiżew Jun 09 '20 at 09:49

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