How can edges and nodes be styled using graphviz dot with doubled lines as shown the in the "LEGAL" and "TAX DISC" nodes of the following diagram?

ER Diagram

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3 Answers3


Doubled shapes can be done by using [peripheries=2] on the node

Doubled edges can be done by specifying more than one colour for the edge, separated by a colon. In this case use the same colour twice: [color="black:black"] (or, to separate them slightly more, do [color="black:invis:black"])

I got there eventually! Sorry for the "evolutionary" nature of this answer :-)

So for example

graph G {
    Foo [peripheries=2]
    Foo -- Bar [color="black:white:black"]
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    Using the color `white` with a non-white background or objects can cause problems. See [my answer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/30759621/543738) for a better solution. – Mr. Lance E Sloan Jun 10 '15 at 14:43

The accepted answer is correct about using the peripheries attribute for multiple node outlines.

However, using the color white to draw widely-separated double edges between nodes is not ideal. If such an edge is drawn over a non-white background or crosses non-white objects, a white line will be visible. It is much better to use one of the colors none or invis. To update part of the example from the accepted answer:

graph G {
    Foo [peripheries = 2]
    Foo -- Bar [color = "black:invis:black"]

See the Graphviz color documentation for more information.

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Mr. Lance E Sloan
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(See other answers about normal edges and nodes)

The three color solution does not work with directed edges with dir="back".

digraph A {
    foo -> bar [dir = "back", color = "black:invis:black"];

results in this output:

enter image description here

I tried wrapping it with invis layers outside. Looks a bit weird compared to normal arrows because of the increased edge width, but at least it is understandable to readers:

digraph A {
    foo -> bar [dir = "back", color = "invis:black:invis:black:invis"];

enter image description here

However this won't work with forward edges.

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