Global Env Setup as defined by project maintainer and staff:

  1. node -v: 8.9.4
  2. npm -v: 6.10.2
  3. Tests build in jest
  4. Vue project


  1. I was attempting to implement eslint into a project.
  2. Unexpected token import errors from npm test on all branches; Believed to be a babel error, and did attempt at a parser: "babel-eslint" option in.eslintrc`. Furthermore, attempted fix with "transform-es2015-modules-commonjs" option
  3. Found a way for project to work again:

    rm -rf proj
    git clone http://proj
    mv proj foo && cd foo
    npm install
    npm test #tests pass
  4. FAILS (with the installation and process as setup in 3):
    mv foo proj && cd proj
    npm test

I went as far as removing all installations of node, npm, and eslint (as well as all of my node_modules globals and reinstalling to versions mentioned above. I also looked into clearing npm cache. which npm and brew uninstall as well as brew doctor were used in the uninstalling process. I also checked for node and npm per steps defined in this SO answer

I still cannot let my project live in its correct named directory without continuing to have errors.

Obvious solution to keep working is to just rename the directory structure, but I am hoping someone has an idea as to WHY this is happening...

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  • what is the project's actual name? – Joe May 21 '20 at 21:36
  • @Joe it is proprietary software and the code base is private outside of the company. Sorry to not give it out. Thankfully, I do not think it is relevant to the problem at hand. – T.Woody May 21 '20 at 22:23

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