How can I subtract a comma separated string from another one in Excel? I want to subtract, A1 and A2 from A3 .

A1 - Wed,Thu 
A2- Sun, Mon
A3- Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
A4- Tue,Fri,Sat

I tried the following :-


But the output is not as what I wanted. PS :- The A4 answer is the desired answer and not the answer I got after writing the above formula.

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2 Answers2


I'm assuming these values are delimited by comma-space. If not then adjust the formula accordingly (or use a double substitute to get rid of spaces before changing commas to tags).

In A4 try:

=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTERXML(SUBSTITUTE("<t><s>"&A3&", "&A2&", "&A1&"</s></t>",", ","</s><s>"),"//s[not(following::*=. or preceding::*=.)]"))

Enter through CtrlShiftEnter

If FILTERXML does spark your interest, then have a look here for more possibilities.

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Consider the following User Defined Function:

Option Explicit
Public Function RemoveItems(BigString As String, LittleString As String) As String
    Dim Good As Boolean, L, B, arrB, arrL
    arrB = Split(Replace(BigString, " ", ""), ",")
    If InStr(LittleString, ",") = 0 Then
        For Each B In arrB
            If LittleString = B Then
                RemoveItems = RemoveItems & "," & B
            End If
        Next B
        arrL = Split(Replace(LittleString, " ", ""), ",")
        For Each B In arrB
            Good = True
                For Each L In arrL
                    If L = B Then Good = False
                Next L
                If Good Then RemoveItems = RemoveItems & "," & B
        Next B
    End If

    If RemoveItems <> "" Then RemoveItems = Mid(RemoveItems, 2)
End Function

It will remove items from the first comma-separated-string that appear in the second comma-separated-string. for example:

enter image description here

In your example, you would nest the calls:


enter image description here


  • this version will accept a single item as well as a LettleString
  • this version removes spaces from the strings
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