In my last project I've done a controller like this one:

fun findByUserContact(@RequestBody @Valid userContactDto: UserContactDto) =

An UserContactDto is:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Email::class, name = "email"),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Cellphone::class, name = "cellphone"),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Both::class, name = "both")
sealed class UserContactDto

data class Email(@field:javax.validation.constraints.Email val email: String) : UserContactDto()
data class Cellphone(@field:PhoneNumber val cellphone: String) : UserContactDto()
data class Both(
    @field:javax.validation.constraints.Email val email: String,
    @field:PhoneNumber val cellphone: String
) : UserContactDto()

I've design the API in this way because I don't know if the search will be done through:

  • email only
  • cellphone only
  • both email and cellphone

but I think that is not a good design for a REST API... a GET request with a body. What could be a good approach to solve my use case?

Could a custom serializer query params -> UserContact be a valid approach?
Will it be cleaner to create different APIs for the 3 different cases?

Thanks, Francesco

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  • You might be able to figure out which of the three via a HTTP header like `user-agent` that came in the request –  May 20 '20 at 15:32

1 Answers1


I would argue you could with

  1. Multiple query parameters (check approaches here)
  2. Different apis
  3. Current approach, using instead a POST (check this discussion)
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