Following Problem, i want to change the iOS Status Bar Color to dark because my AppBar is white and the Statusbar is not seen inside the App. I don't want to use SafeArea because then the AppBar looks cutted and not rounded like currently.

I tried the following solutions:

Set in Xcode the Status Bar Style to Dark, but this dosn't change seen below.

From the Link i tried to add to AppDelegated but this don't work aswell.

I tried to install the flutter_statusbar_text_color dependencie but this is not working aswell.

I tried it with the Flutter Services.dart Code seen below, this is not working aswell.

[application setStatusBarHidden:NO];
[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];

Stackoverflow change Status Bar text color in iOS


   statusBarColor: Colors.white, // Color for Android
   statusBarBrightness: Brightness.dark // Dark == white status bar -- for IOS.

App Xcode

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