I have an angular form, I want to mark all input fields pristine and submit button disabled after submitting once. Simply when this page loads for the first time like that.

<form class="example-form" [formGroup] = "form" (ngSubmit) = "onSubmit()">
            <div class="inputs">
                 <h3>Create Product</h3>
                    <mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
                        <mat-label>Product Name*</mat-label>
                        <input matInput 
                           formControlName = "productName"
                      <div class="errorField" *ngIf = "form.get('productName').touched && 
                       form.get('productName').errors?.required" > Product name is required</div>

                <mat-checkbox value = "checked" (change)="addAnother(checked)">Add Another</mat-checkbox>
                <div class="buttons">
                    <button type="button" routerLink = "/products" class="back" mat-raised- 
                      [disabled] = "!form.valid"

2 Answers2


You could use formGroup.markAsPristine():

onSubmit () {
 this.hasSubmitted = true;

and in your template

<!-- ... -->

  [disabled] = "!form.valid || hasSubmitted"

<!-- ... -->
Andrei Gătej
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  • Still, there are some problems remain. I can't make untouched. this.form.markAsUntouched() is not working. Could you tell me how can I do that? And this.hasSubmitted is not working. – Md. Rubel Mia May 15 '20 at 17:54
  • Could you elaborate a bit? `markAsUntouched()` should be working, mainly if applied from the `root`. Also, what part of `hasSubmitted` does not work ? – Andrei Gătej May 15 '20 at 17:57
  • In my form, I applied two validations required and touched. So, after clicking the save button once I want to make my all fields untouched and pristine so that it becomes like initial form. So in onSubmit(), I wrote this.form.markAsPristine(), this.formGroup.markAsUntouched() but still all the fields are red. Though my error div is not displayed but input fields are red. – Md. Rubel Mia May 15 '20 at 18:07
  • Replace pristine and untouched calls with: this.form.reset(). Does it work ? – Andrei Gătej May 15 '20 at 18:15
  • No same problem. The input fields are red. It is not going to like the initial state. – Md. Rubel Mia May 15 '20 at 18:20

I suppose that you can reset the form and remove the validation status

1- You need to get the FormGroupDirective

 @ViewChild(FormGroupDirective, { static: false }) formDirective: FormGroupDirective;

2- Reset the form and validation disappears

  onSubmit() {
    if (this.form.valid) {
      // Remove the state of validation
  • After applying this my error div is not showing but one problem remains, I don't know why all the input fields become red. I am using the angular material form. Could you tell me why all the fields are still red? – Md. Rubel Mia May 15 '20 at 18:10
  • The input field become red when a validation is invalid. When you submit the form the input become red and you can avoid it using **this.formDirective.resetForm()** and you can customize the behavior of validation using [ErrorStateMatcher](https://material.angular.io/components/input/overview#changing-when-error-messages-are-shown) – Moises Leonor May 15 '20 at 18:54