I tried to build this example : https://github.com/oltzen/JavaCppExample with Maven (mvn clean install) on Linux. After the successful build, when I run : java de.oltzen.javacppexample.Abc : it says 'could not load or find the main class'

The video tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZrrqZLhtmw) uses Eclipse and it runs the program with Run as .. Java Application

Is the POM file missing something ?

I tried to add this plugin in POM but it did not work:


I am executing from JavaCppExample/target/classes/ :-

The /classes folder contains package folders : de/oltzen/javacppexample/ The last folder contains the class file Abc.class

So I run the command :
java de.oltzen.javacppexample.Abc

The /target folder contains : 1) classes [folder containing the package] 2) JavaCppExample.jar 3) maven-archiver 4) maven-status

Please help

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2 Answers2


I added the following plugins for maven copy dependencies and executed java -jar javaCppExample.jar [from /target folder]and it worked. Thanks everyone !

[Simply build using mvn clean install]



                <!--  Build an executable JAR -->

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If you are only looking to run your prgramm via maven then use exec-maven-plugin.


Explore more here => https://www.mojohaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/index.html

If you want to build & run as jar then use assembly plugin


Explore more about Maven assembly plugin to customize to your needs.

  • First solution by Adonis worked here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42470641/error-could-not-find-or-load-main-class-maven-project-out-of-eclipse – Nitin May 13 '20 at 11:05