How do I send a file using Discord Webhook in C#?

I already tried looking at other threads like this, but they didn't have any answers that could help me.

This is the webhook class:

public class DcWebHook : IDisposable
        private readonly WebClient dcweblient;
        private static NameValueCollection values = new NameValueCollection();
        public string WebHook { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public string ProfilePicture { get; set; }

        public DcWebHook()
            dcweb = new WebClient();

        public void SendMessage(string msgSend)
            values.Add("username", UserName);
            values.Add("avatar_url", ProfilePicture);
            values.Add("content", msgSend);

        public void SendFile(string file)
            values.Add("file", file);

        public void uploadthevalues()
            dcweb.UploadValues(WebHook, values);

        public void Dispose()

This is the sending part:

dcWeb.ProfilePicture = "link";
dcWeb.UserName = "test";
dcWeb.WebHook = "webhooklink";
dcWeb.SendMessage("attachment test");
dcWeb.SendFile("local file address(C:\test.txt)");

The first message sends sucessfully, but the file does not attach, if anyone has any solutions for this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Note: I'm using this as a reference: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook

edit: I have found out that I can use .UploadFile to upload the file, but I can't seem to make it upload in the same message.

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  • [this answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/19983672/28004) will help you as you can see from the docs, you need to send as `multipart/form-data` and you're not doing so, plus, it is a `POST` and from your code, you're not even changing that. I would suggest that you use a library to perform REST calls, like [RestSharp](http://restsharp.org/), or is you're using Discord API, why not a [C# Wrapper](https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net)? – balexandre May 11 '20 at 14:59

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