I have an HTML file which runs a javascript code doing, among other things, also some jQuery calls. I would like to separate a portion of my HTML code in an external file because I would like to use it as a common file among several HTML files and I would like the javascript code to be able to do the jQuery calls also to the external file. Any suggestion on this? I am quite new to javascript, thus any kind of suggestion on how to proceed would be very helpful.

Here is an example showing my problem. Note that in the HTML code I indicated the portion I would like to separate.


    <script src="js/init.js">
    <h1><a class="mobileUI-site-name">My website</a></h1>
    <!-- PORTION TO EXTRACT: begin
    <nav id="nav" class="mobileUI-site-nav">
          <li><a href="#">One</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Two</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Three</a>
              <li><a href="#">A</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">B</a></li>
    <div> Some text here </div>

Javascript (just the portion of interest)

var x = jQuery('.mobileUI-site-name'), site_name = (x.length > 0 ? x.html() : ''),
    site_nav_options = new Array();

jQuery('.mobileUI-site-nav a').each(function() {
    var t = jQuery(this), indent;
    indent = Math.max(0,t.parents('li').length - 1);
    '<div class="mobileUI-site-nav-link><span class="indent-' + indent + '"></span>' + t.text() + '</div>'

For the HTML code I should simply include in the head


and the proper <div id="top-menu"></div> in the body. How should I change the javascript code?

1 Answers1


This answer may be helpful: Include another HTML file in a HTML file . It explains how to import HTML into existing HTML using JQuery. Specifically

    <script src="jquery.js"></script> 

     <div id="includedContent"></div>

where the content you want to extract would need to be put into "b.html". To access the added HTML you would need to use a callback, as described here: https://api.jquery.com/load/

$("#includedContent").load("b.html", function() {
  alert( "Load was performed." );

I.e. replace the alert command with whatever you want to do with JQuery that affects the loaded HTML.

Falk Tandetzky
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  • I tried what you say and in the load function I can do my javascript code. My problem is the following: the portion of javascript I posted is part of an init.js script loaded in the HTML head. Even moving the portion of javascript code in the load function as you suggest, I anyway need the variables site_name and site_nav_options in the script init.js for other things. Is there a way to do this? – Alessio Del Vigna May 07 '20 at 12:54
  • You could create a function in `init.js`, which does whatever you need, which is then called in the `load`-callback. You can then for example pass `site_nav_options` as parameters to this function. Does this fit to what you need? – Falk Tandetzky May 08 '20 at 10:21