I'm trying to deserialize a JSON string following this question, but im only getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" at line 14 of MenuItemBrands.cs (Debug.log(...))

Can anyone help me?




public class Brand
    public int id;
    public string name;
    public string logo_img;


public static class JsonHelper
    public static T[] FromJson<T>(string json)
        Wrapper<T> wrapper = JsonUtility.FromJson<Wrapper<T>>(json);
        return wrapper.Items;

    public static string ToJson<T>(T[] array)
        Wrapper<T> wrapper = new Wrapper<T>();
        wrapper.Items = array;
        return JsonUtility.ToJson(wrapper);

    public static string ToJson<T>(T[] array, bool prettyPrint)
        Wrapper<T> wrapper = new Wrapper<T>();
        wrapper.Items = array;
        return JsonUtility.ToJson(wrapper, prettyPrint);

    private class Wrapper<T>
        public T[] Items;


public class MenuItem3dBrands : MonoBehaviour

    private void Start()

    protected void LoadBrands()
        Brand[] brand = JsonHelper.FromJson<Brand>(Resources.Load<TextAsset>("brands").text);

  • 1,513
  • 1
  • 15
  • 32
  • Put a breakpoint on the first line of `LoadBrands`. Run to the breakpoint. When you hit the breakpoint, type in `?Resources.Load("brands").text` in the `Immediate Window`. What is shown as a result there? – mjwills Apr 25 '20 at 06:29
  • https://app.quicktype.io?share=vxxHkirBmSDJ87rfOIuF The issue is likely that you are likely to deserialise JSON that _isn't_ an array of `Brand` to an array of `Brand`. https://app.quicktype.io?share=vxxHkirBmSDJ87rfOIuF shows you what you _should_ be deserialising to (i.e. `Welcome` with a `Brands` property inside it). – mjwills Apr 25 '20 at 06:32

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