I’m new at Appium. I defined into ‘Desired Capabilities’ tab needed capabilities such as:

  • deviceName,
  • udid,
  • platformName,
  • platformVersion,
  • appPackage,
  • appActivity

After I clicked on Start Session button, I got the error message “An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: ‘app’ option is required for reinstall”.

Before that, I started a virtual android device but I don't have the right app on my device. Should I connect source code with Appium capabilities and how I do that? Which tools should use (Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA)? Please, help me.

Ajin Kabeer
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Maja Ucek
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1 Answers1


This error occurs when you don't have app installed on your device.

Two ways to resolved this issue-:

  1. Install the application on device using script by using app capabilities.

In app capability yiu have to give absolute path for .apk file.

            "platform"       : "Android",               
            "platformVersion": "9.0",
            "deviceName"     : "Redmi Nitin",
            "appPackage".    : "my.nitin.stackoverflow",
            "appActivity"    : "view.activity.splash.SplashScreenActivity",
            "automationName" : "uiautomator2",
            "app".           : "giveherepath.apk"
            "fullReset".     : "true"
  1. If you don't want to install the .apk file using script then you install it manually and launch the app using package name and activity capabilities as you mention in question.

            "platform"       : "Android",               
            "platformVersion": "9.0",
            "deviceName"     : "Redmi Nitin",
            "appPackage".    : "my.nitin.stackoverflow",
            "appActivity"    : "view.activity.splash.SplashScreenActivity",
            "automationName" : "uiautomator2",
            "fullReset".     : "true"

Hope you can resolve your problem .Let me know if you still face issue.

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