Hello i keep getting this warning for 4 attributes.

the one in the .xhtml is

First Name : <h:inputText value="#{projectBean.fname}" id="fname" required="true" requiredMessage="   Firstname is required"></h:inputText>
    <h:message for="fname" styleClass="error"></h:message>

and the one in the bean is

private String fname;

public String getfName() {
    return fname;
public void setfName(String fname) {
    this.fname = fname;

the warning im getting

fname cannot be resolved as a member of projectBean

What seems to be the problem?

  • 992,635
  • 352
  • 3,478
  • 3,452
  • Where do you get the warnings? Runtime? In your IDE? In your dreams? ( ;-) ) And try to post the error in a search engine and look for the generic issue... And what if you run the project? Other errors? – Kukeltje Apr 22 '20 at 06:06
  • Like Kukeltje said in the previous comments the naming convention is wrong. Try `getFName`/`setFName`. If this doesn't work try using `#{projectBean.getFName()}` – fuggerjaki61 Apr 22 '20 at 07:54
  • @fuggerjaki61: getFname/setFname ;-) – Kukeltje Apr 22 '20 at 08:47

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