I am a beginner in JMX and looking for ways to implement the title. I am working on a big project so it will not be possible for me to make the interface and declare methods of the whole project which I need to do for making Mbeans. Also, I want to start by initializing the built-in JMX server(Mbean Server, once I create the MBeans) instead of using tomcat. I want to do this without using Jconsole as its kinda requirement. Thanks.

An implementation which I am planning kindly give your thoughts:

  1. I am planning to make Mbeans(which I am unsure how to implement for projects which have so many services and gateways).
  2. Registering them to Mbean Server which comes as part of the Java 6+
  3. Find Suitable Adaptor(Kindly suggest if you have any idea)
  4. Get the results on the browser using HTML/Http.
  • There is no build in JMX server... So you have to use the tomcat one. I strongly suggest a read of the JMX chapter in both Spring and Spring Boot. – M. Deinum Apr 21 '20 at 05:51
  • @M.Deinum Hi, thanks for the help. But I want to know is there any way by which I can make Mbeans for big Industry system as there are so many classes and methods and use Mbean Server later on. Also, we are using legacy spring .So, I will definitely look into the suggestion which you gave. – rohit sharma Apr 21 '20 at 14:24
  • I assumed you are already using Spring Boot if not just read the JMX chapter in the [Spring reference guide](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/integration.html#jmx). They provide several options to do so. – M. Deinum Apr 21 '20 at 14:29
  • No , we are not using spring-boot...we are just using spring. Thanks I will look into the link. – rohit sharma Apr 21 '20 at 14:36

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