Hi i'm showing some data in gridview which is sortable. I want to disable sorting for few rows based when date is not null.

below is the code

  griddata.datasource = dt;
     griddata.Rows[2].Enabled = false;
     griddata.Rows[3].Enabled = false;

but this is not working.With this code i can still able to sort.Please help me out.

  • What do you mean by disabling sort for certain rows? What do you want to achieve? – Selim Yildiz Apr 20 '20 at 11:44
  • @SelimYıldız I have a grid that consist of some rows.In that grid one date column is there.If a row have date value then i don't want to sort that row.If not i want to sort that row. – Akhil Bajjuri Apr 21 '20 at 04:17

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