I was reading an article on ss64 about Environment variables in Command Prompt.

Later in the article there exists a table which states environment variables found commonly in Command Prompt. Some of the variables listed there are termed as Volatile (Read Only). A sentence found in the article states:-

Dynamic environment variables are read-only and are computed each time the variable is expanded. When all variables are listed with SET, these will not appear in the list. Do not attempt to directly SET a dynamic variable.

I understood the later two statements. But i can't understand the first one.


  • %userprofile% is an non-volatile variable, which resolves to %SystemDrive%\Users\{username}, and %homepath% is a volatile variable which resolves to Users\{Username}. Both commands are quite similar (except for the systemdrive). Then why is one volatile and the other one non-volatile?

  • What is the criteria for a variable to be dynamic? what makes %appdata% (just an ex.) an non volatile variable?

  • Dynamic Variables are computed each time the variable is expanded, this makes sense for variables like %CD% %DATE% %TIME% %RANDOM% etc. as they would lose their functionality if they would be non-volatile. But how would it effect %homepath%?

  • Some non-volatile variables have sort-of dynamic components in them. Ex. %userprofile% has %SystemDrive% and {username} in it's path. Then how are those variables not dynamic?

Vasu Deo.S
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1 Answers1


There are three types of variables of which value is accessed using the syntax %variable% or !variable! on having enabled delayed environment variable expansion with using the option EnableDelayedExpansion of the command setlocal from within a Windows command prompt window or a batch file, i.e. using %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe.

1. Persistent stored variables

There are environment variables stored persistent in Windows registry.

  1. User variables stored in Windows registry under the key:

  2. System variables stored in Windows registry under the key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment

The user variables are defined for just the account in which user registry hive they are stored (file %UserProfile%\ntuser.dat). The system variables are defined for all accounts used on a Windows machine (file %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM).

The persistent stored variables can be viewed, edited and deleted by opening the Windows Control Panel, clicking on System, clicking next (on left side) on Advanced system settings and clicking on button Environment Variables. The upper half is for the user variables of the current user account and the lower half is for the system variables since Windows XP.

There are defined by default as user variables only TEMP and TMP since Windows XP.

The list of predefined system variables is since Windows XP:


There is on Windows Vista and newer Windows versions defined by default also the system variable PSModulePath.

None of the predefined system variables with exception of PATH and PATHEXT should be deleted or modified ever as this could cause lots of troubles which can even result in Windows not starting anymore. I would strongly recommend using a virtual machine on experimenting with the predefined system variables for which a backup of the entire virtual machine image exists before starting the experiments.

1.1 Backup of persistent stored variables

It is advisable to make a backup of the user and system variables before playing around with them by opening a command prompt window and running for example:

md C:\VariablesBackup 2>nul
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe EXPORT HKCU\Environment "C:\VariablesBackup\UserVariables.reg"
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe EXPORT "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "C:\VariablesBackup\SystemVariables.reg"

1.2 Restore of persistent stored variables

Restoring the user variables can be done from within a command prompt window on having made a backup before with:

%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe DELETE "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /f
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe IMPORT "C:\VariablesBackup\UserVariables.reg"

Restoring the system variables can be done from within a command prompt window opened as administrator on having made a backup before with:

%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe DELETE HKCU\Environment /f
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe IMPORT "C:\VariablesBackup\SystemVariables.reg"

It is advisable to restart Windows on having restored user and system variables from a backup to make sure that really all processes use the restored variables.

1.3 Modification of PATH with a batch file

Batch file programmers thinking about modification of user or system PATH with a batch file should read first:

ATTENTION: It is an absolute NO GO - NEVER EVER to use command SETX with %PATH% in a batch file to modify user or system PATH variable.

The only reason to modify user or system PATH with a batch file on installation of a program (executable or script) is that this program is designed for being mainly used by users from the Windows command line. A program is bad designed if it requires that its directory or one of its subdirectories is in PATH to work at all. A program is very bad designed if it adds a folder path to system PATH left to the folder paths defined by default by Windows.

The system PATH variable should start always with:


The Windows system directory is the directory containing most executables and dynamic linked libraries. For that reason it should be always the first directory searched for executables and libraries after the current directory.

2. Windows shell variables

There are a lot more Windows environment variables predefined as it can be seen on:

These variables are defined by Windows shell which is by default explorer.exe being started on Windows start as Windows shell according to registry value Shell under registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

The Window shell elements noticed most by users are the Windows desktop, the Windows Start menu and the Windows taskbar with the system tray.

The Windows shell defines in its memory lots of environment variables depending on various values in Windows registry for the current user account not stored persistent in Windows registry as described above. The current list of environment variables is copied whenever a new process is created like starting an executable from Windows shell.

The list of environment variables defined by Windows shell consisting of the persistent stored user and system variables and the shell variables for current user account can be seen by opening a command prompt window and running the command SET without any additional argument.

There are environment variables on 64-bit Windows which depend on starting a 64-bit or a 32-bit executable. Microsoft documented them on WOW64 Implementation Details as follows:

64-bit process:


Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: The ProgramW6432 and CommonProgramW6432 environment variables were added starting with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

32-bit process:


The value of the environment variable PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE cannot be used to find out from within a batch file if the installed Windows is a 32-bit (x86) or a 64-bit (AMD64) Windows. The value depends on processing of the batch file by either 64-bit %SystemRoot%\Sysem32\cmd.exe or by 32-bit %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe on 64-bit Windows.

See also the Microsoft documentations:

The usage of environment variables defined by the Windows shell must be done wisely on writing a batch file which should be designed for execution by other accounts on same or a different Windows machine. Many batch files working fine in environment of author of the batch file do not work in environment set up on running the same batch file as scheduled task with system account or on a different machine because of the differences in environment variables list.

3. Dynamic variables of Windows command processor

There are some variables listed in help of command SET output on running in a command prompt window set /? which cannot be found in the list of environment variables on running just set.

These variables are:


The dynamic variables are internal variables of cmd.exe. So these variables are available only in a Windows command prompt window which is a running cmd.exe process or a batch file processed by cmd.exe. The dynamic variables are not available in other executables or scripts as these variables are not environment variables.

The most common used dynamic variables are:

  1. CD
    The current directory path not ending with a backlash, except the current directory is the root directory of the drive.
  2. DATE
    The current local date in format as defined for the account in region and language settings of Windows.
  3. TIME
    The current local time in format as defined for the account in region and language settings of Windows.
    Exit value of previously executed command or program.
    A random decimal number between 0 and 32767.

There are some more dynamic variables, but they are rarely used in batch files.

There is additionally the variable AppDir containing the path of currently running cmd.exe always ending with a backslash which is not documented by Microsoft. I recommend not using this undocumented variable as there is no guarantee that a future version of cmd.exe still has this variable. __AppDir__ is on 64-bit Windows, for example, %SystemRoot%\System32\ on 64-bit %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe currently running, or %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\ on 32-bit %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe currently running, or any other path on copying cmd.exe to any other folder and starting this copy of cmd.exe. There are some more undocumented dynamic variables listed on SS64 page How-to: Windows Environment Variables which should be used only with special care for the same reason.

The values of the most used dynamic variables are changed dynamically by the Windows command processor itself while the values of the environment variables change only if command SET is used during execution of a batch file to redefine an environment variable. This is an important difference between environment and dynamic variables.

4. Accessing the values of dynamic variables

Every environment variable can be deleted or redefined in the local environment of a processed batch file. There is no environment variable read-only.

cmd.exe contains internally in its code the file extension list .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.JS;.WS;.MSC which is used as value for PATHEXT if the environment variable PATHEXT does not exist in local environment variables list to be able to find nevertheless scripts and executables specified on command line or in a batch file without file extension. But cmd.exe does not contain a list of folder paths as fallback list if the environment variable PATH does not exist in local environment. So a batch file writer should be careful on modification of local environment variable PATH for whatever reason.

The values of the dynamic variables are referenced like the values of the environment variables with %variable% or !variable! on enabled delayed expansion. But the Windows command processor always searches first in the current list of environment variables if there is a variable with specified name. Only if there is no environment variable with that name, cmd searches next in its internal list of dynamic variables if there is one with the specified name.

The current value of a dynamic variable cannot be accessed anymore on definition of an environment variable with same name as a dynamic variable. For that reason a batch file writer should never use one of the dynamic variable names as name for an environment variable.

Here is a code which demonstrates what happens if a batch file writer has the really not good idea to define an environment variable with name ERRORLEVEL.

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo Define environment variable ERRORLEVEL with string value "014".
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 12 (echo EQU: ERRORLEVEL is 12.) else echo EQU: ERRORLEVEL is not 12.
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 014 (echo  ==: ERRORLEVEL is 14.) else echo  ==: ERRORLEVEL is not 14.
if errorlevel 0 (
    if not errorlevel 1 (echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is 0.) else echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is greater than 0.
) else echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is less than 0.
echo Delete the environment variable ERRORLEVEL.
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 12 (echo EQU: ERRORLEVEL is 12.) else echo EQU: ERRORLEVEL is not 12.
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 014 (echo  ==: ERRORLEVEL is 14.) else echo  ==: ERRORLEVEL is not 14.
if errorlevel 0 (
    if not errorlevel 1 (echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is 0.) else echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is greater than 0.
) else echo  IF: ERRORLEVEL is less than 0.
echo In all test cases the value of dynamic variable ERRORLEVEL was 0.
for %%I in (%CMDCMDLINE%) do if /I "%%~I" == "/c" pause & goto EndBatch

The output of this batch file is:

Define environment variable ERRORLEVEL with string value "014".

 ==: ERRORLEVEL is 14.

Delete the environment variable ERRORLEVEL.

EQU: ERRORLEVEL is not 12.
 ==: ERRORLEVEL is not 14.

In all test cases the value of dynamic variable ERRORLEVEL was 0.

It can be seen on debugging the batch file that the first IF condition if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 12 results in replacing %ERRORLEVEL% by the string 014 because of there is the environment variable ERRORLEVEL defined with this string value. The function strtol is used by command IF because of operator EQU to convert the string 014 being interpreted as octal number because of the leading 0 and the string 12 to 32-bit signed integer values and compare them on equality. Therefore the first condition is true.

The second IF condition if %ERRORLEVEL% == 014 results also in replacing %ERRORLEVEL% by the string 014 because of there is the environment variable ERRORLEVEL defined with this string value. But now the function strcmp is used by command IF because of operator ==. Therefore the second condition is also true.

The third IF condition uses the recommended syntax explained by help of command IF output on running if /? in a command prompt window. It can be seen that using the recommended syntax results in evaluation of the value of the internal dynamic variable ERRORLEVEL of Windows command processor even an environment variable is defined with name ERRORLEVEL. The recommended syntax to evaluate the exit code of a previously executed command or program works always and anywhere within a batch file as demonstrated here.

See also:

Further it must be taken into account that accessing current value of a dynamic variable is always on variable reference being expanded by the Windows command processor and not real execution of the command or executable.

A code to demonstrate that difference:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%I in (1,1,3) do (
    echo %%DATE%% %%TIME%% is:  %DATE% %TIME%
    echo ^^!DATA^^! ^^!TIME^^! is:  !DATE! !TIME!
    echo %%RANDOM%%/^^!RANDOM^^!: %RANDOM%/!RANDOM!
    if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe (
        %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NOBREAK >nul
    ) else (
        %SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe -n 4 >nul
for %%I in (%CMDCMDLINE%) do if /I "%%~I" == "/c" pause & goto EndBatch

The output is for example:

%DATE% %TIME% is:  31.01.2021 13:54:30,67
!DATA! !TIME! is:  31.01.2021 13:54:30,68
%RANDOM%/!RANDOM!: 18841/27537
%DATE% %TIME% is:  31.01.2021 13:54:30,67
!DATA! !TIME! is:  31.01.2021 13:54:33,12
%RANDOM%/!RANDOM!: 18841/16705
%DATE% %TIME% is:  31.01.2021 13:54:30,67
!DATA! !TIME! is:  31.01.2021 13:54:36,16
%RANDOM%/!RANDOM!: 18841/32668

%DATE% %TIME% results in printing to console window three times the same date/time because of these two variable references are expanded already by the Windows command processor on parsing the entire command block before command FOR is executed at all. %RANDOM% results in printing three times the same number for the same reason while !RANDOM! prints usually three different numbers.

See also:

if errorlevel number and if not errorlevel number work also within a command block!

The dynamic environment variables can be accessed only with command extensions enabled as by default. Otherwise Windows command processor emulates COMMAND.COM behavior (more or less) of MS-DOS and Windows 95/98/ME not supporting dynamic variables at all as demonstrated by this code:

@echo off
setlocal DisableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo With command extensions disabled:
echo Date/time is: %DATE% %TIME%
echo Current dir: "%CD%"
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo With command extensions enabled:
echo Date/time is: %DATE% %TIME%
echo Current dir: "%CD%"
for %%I in (%CMDCMDLINE%) do if /I "%%~I" == "/c" pause & goto EndBatch

The output is for example:

With command extensions disabled:

Date/time is:
Current dir: ""

With command extensions enabled:

Date/time is: 31.01.2021 14:17:42,92
Current dir: "C:\Temp\Development & Test!"

The values of dynamic variables can be only read. It is not possible to modify the value of a dynamic variable with command SET as it results in the definition of an environment variable with the name of a dynamic variable which takes precedence over the dynamic variable.

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