I am new to github commands and I am a bit confused about what I am doing.

what github shows me I currently have

I want to delete the "MegaMan Game" commit, revert all changes, and make it dissapear from github history. Following this other stack overflow question Delete commits from a branch in Git, I ran the git reset --hard HEAD ~1 command. The commit seems to be deleted judging by the git log command, but on the github website it still shows that the "MegaMan Game" commit is still there. Also in source tree happens the same thing. The commit still shows there. I am a bit confused. Is the website wrong about the commits? Did I run the command wrong?

Here is an image with the exact commands and what git

enter image description here

This is a noob question. I need help to undestand how this works.

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1 Answers1


You deleted commit in your local branch. You must send this change to the upstream branch(to github).

git push --force
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