I need JavaScript to display a manual entry if geolocation is declined.

What I have tried:


Neither describes if user has previously declined access to geolocation.

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5 Answers5


watchPosition and getCurrentPosition both accept a second callback which is invoked when there is an error. The error callback provides an argument for an error object. For permission denied, error.code would be error.PERMISSION_DENIED (numeric value 1).

Read more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_geolocation


navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function(position) {
    console.log("i'm tracking you!");
  function(error) {
    if (error.code == error.PERMISSION_DENIED)
      console.log("you denied me :-(");

EDIT: As @Ian Devlin pointed out, it doesn't seem Firefox (4.0.1 at the time of this post) supports this behavior. It works as expected in Chrome and probably Safari etc.

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Cristian Sanchez
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  • The permission denied error isn't related to the fact that the person has refused to allow the browser to collect their information. – Ian Devlin May 23 '11 at 08:00
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    @Ian Devlin: Are you sure? The W3C draft says the PERMISSION_DENIED error is given when "The location acquisition process failed because the document does not have permission to use the Geolocation API." However, I couldn't get this behavior to work in Firefox -- it works as (I) expected in Chrome though. – Cristian Sanchez May 23 '11 at 17:01
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    No I'm not sure now! :-) I did read somewhere that Firefox doesn't implement this particular bit correctly. – Ian Devlin May 23 '11 at 17:02
  • @Ian Devlin: Interesting. I've been using this code for Firefox assuming it would work (so much for testing). I'll leave the answer up but edit in this behavior in. Thanks for the heads up. – Cristian Sanchez May 23 '11 at 17:16
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    As of Aug, 2013 Firefox(23.0) still does not support this. Took me forever to figure this out. – Niro Aug 16 '13 at 21:57
  • @Orin Thanks for posting that! I'm currently in a tight spot so that was helpful. Has anyone found a graceful way of dealing with such a major gap in support? – Ryan Ore Aug 16 '13 at 23:34
  • Check out the second answer here. This is what I did and it works great. Just set a regular timeout before calling the getCurrentPosition function, then clear the timeout on success: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397585/navigator-geolocation-getcurrentposition-sometimes-works-sometimes-doesnt – Niro Aug 19 '13 at 17:46
  • Working in Firefox 46 as long as the user selects "Never Share Location" instead of "Not Now" – Jason Axelson Jun 30 '16 at 19:46
  • Is it possible with a variable to mark whether it works or not. Simply by setting a variable on top as FALSE. – Web_Developer Sep 23 '16 at 12:57
  • Hello this error message will show every time when ever i re lode the page, is there any way to show message only one time just after deny. – Mr. Tomar Mar 22 '18 at 10:24
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    Hello from 2018! Firefox 61 throws the proper error code when the user denies permission now, regardless of the method (never vs. not now). – thunderblaster Jul 05 '18 at 17:24
  • Note, this should only be executed on user interaction. Otherwise it will likely never be called since browser more or less [hides](https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2019/11/04/restricting-notification-permission-prompts-in-firefox/) intrusive prompts now. For background check use the [permission api](https://stackoverflow.com/a/37750156/1008999) – Endless Aug 26 '20 at 08:28
  • sorry, I had to change the accepted answer because of navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }).then(console.log) was added – craigmoliver Sep 18 '20 at 19:37
  • @craigmoliver, I have to go with this one now, because navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }).then(console.log) does not seem to work anymore in Firefox 83.0b10. The PermissionStatus being returned is always "prompt" even when being denied. Chrome handles it correctly by returning "denied" as the status – Christopher Smit Nov 18 '20 at 17:58

Without prompting the user, you can use the new permission api this is available as such:

navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' })

(only works for Blink & Firefox)


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According to the W3C geolocation specification, your getCurrentPosition call can return a callback for success and a callback for failure. However, your failure callback will be invoked for any error that occurred, which is one of: (0) unknown; (1) permission denied; (2) position unavailable; or (3) timeout. [Source: Mozilla]

In your case you want to do something specific if the user has explictly denied access. You can check the error.code value in your failure callback, like so:

        maximumAge: Infinity,

function errorCallback(error) {
    if (error.code == error.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
        // pop up dialog asking for location
Alfredo Delgado
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Josh Leitzel
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To fix the Firefox problem is really easy. In my case I save the geolocation in a global variable on Javascript called geolocation. Before use this variable, I just check if is not undefined, if so I just get the geolocation from the IP.

In my website I don't have any problem getting the location the first time, but I saw in my short example that never has time to get the geolocation on the first time because is too quick.

Anyway this is just an example, you should adapt it in each case.

var geolocation = {};

    printLocation(); // First time, hasn't time to get the location

function printLocation(){
    if(typeof geolocation.lat === "undefined" || typeof geolocation.long === "undefined"){
        console.log("We cannot get the geolocation (too fast? user/browser blocked it?)");
        // Get location by IP or simply do nothing
        console.log("LATITUDE => "+geolocation.lat);
        console.log("LONGITUDE => "+geolocation.long);

function getLocation() {
    // If the user allow us to get the location from the browser
    if(window.location.protocol == "https:" && navigator.geolocation)
            geolocation["lat"] = position.coords.latitude;
            geolocation["long"] = position.coords.longitude;
            printLocation(); // Second time, will be return the location correctly
        // We cannot access to the geolocation

PS: I don't have enough reputation to comment the above answers so I had to create a new answer. Sorry about that.

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Inline Permission Check

Possible values are prompt, granted, and denied

const permissionStatus = await navigator?.permissions?.query({name: 'geolocation'})
const hasPermission = permissionStatus?.state // Dynamic value

NOTE: This requires being in an async function

Default Value:

If you want to handle cases that fail, add an optional ?? myDefaultValue to the second line.


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