Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52,30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71
Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52 - 30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71

Basically, how can I make the first line become like the second, using regex?

Is my logic right?: match 5 commas between the last $ sign and [a-z] and replace the second comma with " - "

Wiktor Stribiżew
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1 Answers1


It's probably easier (and more compatible with different languages) to use a positive lookahead to find the comma which is followed by 5 other commas and replace that with - using this regex:


In JavaScript you could do this:

let str = 'Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52,30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71';

str = str.replace(/,(?=(?:[^,]*,){5}[^,]*$)/, ' - ');


$str = 'Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52,30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71';
$str = preg_replace('/,(?=(?:[^,]*,){5}[^,]*$)/', ' - ', $str);
echo $str;

Demo on 3v4l.org

In Python:

str = 'Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52,30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71';
str = re.sub(r',(?=(?:[^,]*,){5}[^,]*$)', ' - ', str);

Demo on rextester

In all cases the output is:

Date,Location,Data1,Data2,Data3,$787 - $456 - $875,6.08 - 15.52 - 30.46,5,5,Name,LastName,42.71

Should your regex flavour not support lookaheads, you can replace that with a capturing group:


and replace with

 - \1

Oracle demo on dbfiddle

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