hello im trying to add a new element to the hud its spoused to be a compass that should function like the minimap

Ive add this code to the main hud.swf

    var DcompassContainer:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("DcompassContainer", this.getNextHighestDepth());
DcompassContainer._x = 280;
DcompassContainer._y = 8;

so far all is good this is the info on the main MC in flash

name directional instence name directional identifier directional class com.scaleform.directional

in the class file

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import gfx.core.UIComponent;

class com.scaleform.directional extends UIComponent {

    // The entities, layers and controls of the minimap
    public var directionshow:MovieClip;

    public function directional() {

    public function configUI():Void {   
        // Register compass values with the app
        // Params: 
        //          compass movieclip (this),
        ExternalInterface.call("registerDcompassView", this);


in the GFxMinimapHud.uc ive added this code

function registerDcompassView(GFxDcompass dc)
    GetPC().ClientMessage("DCopmass Registered");
    Dcompass = dc;
    Dcompass.SetFloat("_xscale", 85);
    Dcompass.SetFloat("_yscale", 85);

after adding all swf to the content browser and running the game the swf does appear on thew screen but the code is not working im not getting the ClientMessage

  • 31
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  • I've just done my HUD successfully . What's your problem exactly ? "the code(?) is not working ..." Does your GFxDcompass class's Logic work correctly ? – Emadpres Oct 23 '11 at 03:52
  • check this : **http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/842146-Problem-with-GFxMinimap-%282DMapTexture%29-HUD-flaw-D** – Emadpres Nov 06 '11 at 19:43

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