My code is working fine. The only error I'm getting is that after the program writes the text into the file i.e. text1.txt, the text file prints some weird symbols like /00 when I actually open it.

int fd;
fd = open("text1.txt", O_RDWR);
char text[] = "This is my file.";
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1 Answers1

  • You need to ensure that open succeeded instead of blindly writing to the file-descriptor.
    • Always check the return value of a syscall (and most C standard library functions) and check errno if the return value indicated an error.
  • Your string literal will include a hidden \0 (NULL) character after the dot.
    • Writing text directly to the file will therefore include the trailing \0 which is what you're seeing.

These issues can be rectified by:

  • Always checking the return value of a syscall - and in this case: print a helpful error message to stdout and perform any necessary cleanup (the goto closeFile; statement).

    • Because C doesn't have a native try/catch or RAII it means its difficult to write terse error-handling and cleanup code, but using goto for common clean-up code is generally acceptable in C, hence the goto closeFile statement.
  • Using strlen to get the actual length of the string.

    • Though in a pinch it's okay to use sizeof(text) - 1 provided you're in a scope where the C compiler knows the length of text as using sizeof() won't work if you cross a function boundary due to array pointer decay.

Like so:

void writeToFile() {

    int fd = open( "text1.txt", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY ); // Use `O_WRONLY` instead of `O_RDWR` if you're only writing to the file. Use `O_CREAT` to create a file if it doesn't already exist.
    if( fd == -1 ) {
        printf( "Error opening file: errno: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );

    size_t textLength = strlen( text );
    size_t written = write( fd, text, textLength );
    if( written == -1 ) {
        printf( "Error writing text: errno: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
        goto closeFile;
    else if( written < textLength ) {
        printf( "Warning: Only %d of %d bytes were written.", written, textLength );
        goto closeFile;
    else {
        // Carry on as normal.

    if( close( fd ) == -1 ) {
        printf( "Error closing file: errno: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
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