UPDATE SEND TO VDWWD who close my question.Please pay attention and read my question completly before making your decision. My code exception in 'new x();' initialize constructor? and it not jump inside initialize constructor function. I tried every thing i can, and I'm sure that my problem is not resolved in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it

I got a big problem with my project. I used SOAP to call SMSBRANDNAME API:


  string phone = sender.phone;
  string smsContent = sender.smsContent;
  string username = sender.username;
  string password = sender.password;
  string cpCode = sender.cpCode;
  string serviceID = sender.serviceID;
  string commandCode = sender.commandCode;
  BulkApi api = new BulkApi();<<<== **CODE THROW EXCEPTION HERE**
  api.Timeout = 6000;
  result r = api.wsCpMt(username, password, cpCode, "1", phone, phone, serviceID, commandCode, smsContent, "F");

  if (r.result1 == 1)
      return new SMSResult()
          status = "success",
          message = "Gửi tin thành công!",
          errorCode = r.message
      return new SMSResult()
          status = "fail",
          message = "Gửi tin thất bại!",
          errorCode = r.message
catch (Exception ex)<<<== **I GOT EXCEPTION HERE**
  return new SMSResult()
      status = "error",
      message = "Đã có lỗi xảy ra!",
      errorCode = ex.ToString()

Function in BulkAPI.cs:

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.3038")]
[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name="CcApiPortBinding", Namespace="http://impl.bulkSms.ws/")]
public class BulkApi : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback getIpOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback checkBalanceOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback wsCpMtOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback wsReportHourOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback wsReportDailyOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback wsReportMonthOperationCompleted;

  private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback getFailSubOperationCompleted;

  public BulkApi()
  {               <<<<= **I PUT BREAK POINT HERE BUT CODE NO JUMP IN**
      this.Url = "https://ams.tinnhanthuonghieu.vn:8998/bulkapi?wsdl";

  public event getIpCompletedEventHandler getIpCompleted;

  public event checkBalanceCompletedEventHandler checkBalanceCompleted;

  public event wsCpMtCompletedEventHandler wsCpMtCompleted;


I got this exception:

{System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapClientType..ctor(Type type) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol..ctor() at BulkApi..ctor() in E:\Project\HtxThienHuong\HTXThienHuong\Services\BulkAPI\BulkApi.cs:line 25 at BulkApp.BulkSMS.SendSMS(BulkDto sender) in E:\Project\HtxThienHuong\HTXThienHuong\Services\BulkAPI\BulkSMS.cs:line 47}

I don't know how to fix it and why it wrong, please save me. Thank you all!

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