I know there's tons of questions about it by now, even for the same problem, but I think I tried a bit of a different approach.

The task is to to 10.000 samples of 100 flips each and then compute the probability of a 6x heads or tails streak over all the samples - as far as I understand it. But in previous questions the coding problem was described as a bit fuzzy. Therefore, if you guys could just point out the errors in the code, that would be nice :)

I tried to be as lazy as possible which results in my macbook working really hard. This is my code. Do I have a problem with the first iteration of the comparison of current value to value before (as far as I understand it, I would compare index -1 (which then is index 100?) to the current one?)

import random

#variable declaration

numberOfStreaks = 0
CoinFlip = []
streak = 0

for experimentNumber in range(10000):
    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.
    for i in range(100):
    #does not matter if it is 0 or 1, H or T, peas or lentils. I am going to check if there is multiple 0 or 1 in a row        

    # Code that checks if there is a streak of 6 heads or tails in a row.
    for i in range(len(CoinFlip)):
        if CoinFlip[i] == CoinFlip[i-1]:  #checks if current list item is the same as before
            streak += 1 
            streak = 0

        if streak == 6:
            numberOfStreaks += 1

print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % (numberOfStreaks / 100))

Where did I make the mess? I can't really see it!

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  • Looks pretty good. Be careful about comparing the previous value when you're at the beginning of the array. That might mean you need to adjust the loop bounds. My advice about tracking down problems in such a problem is to print out partial results as you go along, and work out what you expect to get by hand. Make the problem smaller, e.g. number of experiments = 10 (or 1), number of flips = 12, streak length = 3. Compute all the results for one step, then go on the next. E.g. construct all experiments, count all streaks for all experiments, search for desired streak length among all streaks. – Robert Dodier Mar 12 '20 at 17:33
  • Breaking it down is always a good approach, thanks for the help! – mr_harm Mar 13 '20 at 08:22

8 Answers8


You need to reset the CoinFlip list. Your current program just keeps appending to CoinFlip, which makes for a very long list. This is why your performance isn't good. I also added a check for i==0 so that you're not comparing to the end of the list, because that's not technically part of the streak.

for experimentNumber in range(10000):
    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.
    for i in range(100):
    #does not matter if it is 0 or 1, H or T, peas or lentils. I am going to check if there is multiple 0 or 1 in a row

    # Code that checks if there is a streak of 6 heads or tails in a row.
    for i in range(len(CoinFlip)):
        if i==0:
        elif CoinFlip[i] == CoinFlip[i-1]:  #checks if current list item is the same as before
            streak += 1
            streak = 0

        if streak == 6:
            numberOfStreaks += 1

    CoinFlip = []

print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % (numberOfStreaks / (100*10000)))

I also think you need to divide by 100*10000 to get the real probability. I'm not sure why their "hint" suggest dividing by only 100.

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  • Hey man! Thanks for the help, the re-initalisation of CoinFlip was the problem. I also didn't know the possibilty to "pass". That's a good thing to know! – mr_harm Mar 13 '20 at 08:21
  • I could be wrong but I think this answer will count streaks within streaks. Probably more like a rolling average. For example, if you have one streak of 7 in your 100 flips, your numberOfStreaks will be 2? This isn't a probability, nor a frequency (which is actually what this program could demonstrate the difference between and what makes this problem actually quite difficult to get correct). I'm guessing that the streak count should be accumulated by the quotient of a division of the length of the streak by 6 with modulus = 0. – Dan Nov 18 '20 at 14:53
  • Your program can be checked with a simple calculation. The PROBABILITY of flipping any streak of six is (1/2)^6 (ie 3.125%). Your frequency of streaks of 6 after 10k trials of 100 coin flips should be very close to this, which is implied in the question where it states that 10000 is a large enough sample size. – Dan Nov 18 '20 at 16:09
  • Or instead of the quotient of a division of the length of the streak by 6 with mod = 0, restart the count of the length of the streak when you get to 6. – Dan Nov 18 '20 at 16:11

I wasn't able to comment on Stuart's answer because I recently joined and don't have the reputation, so that's why this an answer on it's own. I am new to programming so anyone please correct me if I'm wrong. I was just working on the same problem in my own learning process.

First, I was unsure why you used multiple for loops when the range was the same length, so I combined those and continued to get the same results.

Also, I noticed that the final calculation is presented as a percentage but not converted to a percentage from the original calculation.

For example, 5/100 = .05 -> .05 * 100 = 5%

Therefore, I added a function that converts a decimal to percentage and rounds it to 4 decimal places.

Lastly, changed the hard coding to variables, obviously doesn't matter but just to explain the things I changed.

    import random

    n_runs = 10000
    flips_per_run = 100
    total_instances = n_runs * flips_per_run
    coinFlip = []
    streak = 0
    numberOfStreaks = 0

    for experimentNumber in range(n_runs):
        # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.'
        for i in range(flips_per_run):
            if i==0:
            elif coinFlip[i] == coinFlip[i-1]:
                streak += 1
                streak = 0

            if streak == 6:
                numberOfStreaks += 1

        coinFlip = []

    #calculation for chance as a decimal    
    chance = (numberOfStreaks / total_instances)
    #function that converts decimal to percent and rounds
    def to_percent(decimal):
        return round(decimal * 100,4)
    #function call to convert result
    chance_percent = to_percent(chance)
    #print result 
    print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % chance_percent)

Output: Chance of streak: 0.7834% rather than .007834%


I started way more complicated and now seeing your code I think that I couldn't came up with a more complicated "logic" :)

Couldn't find a working idea to write the second part!

import random

number_of_streaks = 0
coin_flips = []
streak = 0

for experiment_number in range (10000):
    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' and 'tails' values

def coin(coin_fl):  # Transform list into plain H or T
    for i in coin_flips[:-1]:
        print(i + ' ', end = '')

for i in range(100):    # Generates a 100 coin tosses
    if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
        coin_head = 'H'
        coin_flips = coin_flips + [coin_head]
        coin_tail = 'T'
        coin_flips = coin_flips + [coin_tail]

import random
numStreaks = 0
test = 0
flip = []

#running the experiment 10000 times

for exp in range(10000):
    for i in range(100): #list of 100 random heads/tails

        if random.randint(0,1) == 0:

    for j in range(100): #checking for streaks of 6 heads/tails

        if flip[j:j+6] == ['H','H','H','H','H','H']:
            numStreaks += 1
        elif flip[j:j+6] == ['T','T','T','T','T','T']:
            numStreaks += 1
            test += 1 #just to test the prog
print (test)
chance = numStreaks / 10000
print("chance of streaks of 6: %s %%" % chance )
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  • new to programming. trying to learn python - self-study. came across this problem reading "automate the boring stuff'. My solution - i mostly get 0 as the answer but at times do get 8%, 5% etc – Anu Apr 24 '20 at 04:46
  • Welcome to stackoverflow! Good first attempt for having formatted your code, try to include your problem as part of the post instead of placing it as a comment (e.g. you can edit your post). [Here's more information to help craft a good question](https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask) – Adrian Torrie Apr 24 '20 at 16:44

The following is a set of minor modifications to the initially provided code that will compute the estimate correctly.

I have marked modifications with comments prefixed by #### and numbered them with reference to the explanations that follow.

import random

#variable declaration

numberOfStreaks = 0

for experimentNumber in range(10000):
    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.
    CoinFlip = [] #### (1) create a new, empty list for this list of 100
    for i in range(100):
    #does not matter if it is 0 or 1, H or T, peas or lentils. I am going to check if there is multiple 0 or 1 in a row        

    #### # (6) example / test
    #### # if uncommented should be 100%
    #### CoinFlip = [ 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'T' ]

    # Code that checks if there is a streak of 6 heads or tails in a row.
    streak = 1 #### (2, 4) any flip is a streak of (at least) 1; reset for next check
    for i in range(1, len(CoinFlip)): #### (3) start at the second flip, as we will look back 1
        if CoinFlip[i] == CoinFlip[i-1]:  #checks if current list item is the same as before
            streak += 1
            streak = 1 #### (2) any flip is a streak of (at least) 1

        if streak == 6:
            numberOfStreaks += 1
            break #### (5) we've found a streak in this CoinFlip list, skip to next experiment
                  #### if we don't, we get percentages above 100, e.g. the example / test above
                  #### this makes some sense, but is likely not what the book's author intends

print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % (numberOfStreaks / 100.0))

Explanation of these changes

The following is a brief explanation of these changes. Each is largely independent, fixing a different issue with the code.

  1. the clearing/creating of the CoinFlip list at the start of each experiment
    • without this the new elements are added on to the list from the previous experiment
  2. the acknowledgement that any flip, even a single 'H' or 'T' (or 1 or 0), represents a streak of 1
    • without this change the code actually requires six subsequent matches to the initial coin flip, for a total streak of seven (a slightly less intuitive alternative change would be to replace if streak == 6: with if streak == 5:)
  3. starting the check from the second flip, using range(1, len(CoinFlip)) (n.b. lists are zero-indexed)
    • as the code looks back along the list, a for loop with a range() starting with 0 would incorrectly compare index 0 to index -1 (the last element of the list)
  4. (moving the scope and) resetting the streak counter before each check
    • without this change an initial streak in an experiment could get added to a partial streak from a previous experiment (see Testing the code for a suggested demonstration)
  5. exiting the check once we have found a streak

This question in the book is somewhat poorly specified, and final part could be interpreted to mean any of "check if [at least?] a [single?] streak of [precisely?] six [or more?] is found". This solution interprets check as a boolean assessment (i.e. we only record that this list contained a streak or that it did not), and interprets a non-exclusively (i.e. we allow longer streaks or multiple streaks to count; as was true in the code provided in the question).

(Optional 6.) Testing the code

The commented out "example / test" allows you to switch out the normally randomly generated flips to the same known value in every experiment. In this case a fixed list that should calculate as 100%. If you disagree with interpretation of the task specification and disable the exit of the check described in (5.), you might expect the program to report 200% as there are two distinct streaks of six in every experiment. Disabling the break in combination with this input reports precisely that.

You should always use this type of technique (use known input, verify output) to convince yourself that code does or does not work as it claims or as you expect.

The fixed input CoinFlip = [ 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'T', 'T', 'T' ] can be used to highlight the issue fixed by (4.). If reverted, the code would calculate the percentage of experiments (all with this input) containing a streak of six consecutive H or T as 50%. While (5.) fixes an independent issue, removing the break that was added further exacerbates the error and raises the calculated percentage to 99.99%. For this input, the calculated percentage containing a streak of six should be 0%.

You'll find the complete code, as provided here, produces estimates of around 80%. This might be surprising, but the author of the book hints that this might be the case:

A human will almost never write down a streak of six heads or six tails in a row, even though it is highly likely to happen in truly random coin flips.

- Al Sweigart, Coin Flip Streaks

You can also consider additional sources. WolframAlpha calculates that the chance of getting a "streak of 6 heads in 100 coin flips" is approximately 1 in 2. Here we are estimating the chance of getting a streak of 6 (or more) heads or a streak of six (or more) tails, which you can expect to be even more likely. As a simpler, independent example of this cumulative effect: consider that the chance of picking a heart from a normal pack of playing cards is 13 in 52, but picking a heart or a diamond would be 26 in 52.

Notes on the calculation

It may also help to understand that the author also takes a shortcut with calculating the percentage. This may confuses beginners looking at the final calculation.

Recall, a percentage is calculated:


We know that total number of experiments to run will be 10000




Postscript: I've taken the liberty of changing 100 to 100.0 in the final line. This allows the code to calculate the percentage correctly in Python 2. This is not required for Python 3, as specified in the question and book.

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My amateur attempt

import random

#reset strakes
numberOfStreaks = 0
#main loop
for experimentNumber in range(10000):

    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.
    # assure the list is empty and all counters are 0
    for fata in range(100):
        # generate random numbers for head / tails
        fata = random.randint(0,1)
        #if head, append 1 head and reset counter for tail
        if fata == 0:
            H += 1
            T = 0
        #else if tail append 1 tail and reset counter for head
        elif fata == 1:
            T += 1
            H = 0

    # Code that checks if there is a streak of 6 heads or tails in a row.
    # when head and tail higher than 6 extract floored quotient and append it to numberOfStreaks,
    # this should take into consideration multiple streaks in a row.

    if H > 5 or T > 5:
        numberOfStreaks += (H // 6) or (T // 6) 

print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % (numberOfStreaks / 100))


Chance of streak: 3.18%
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This code seams to give correct probability of around 54% as checked on wolfram alpha in a previous post above

import random
numberOfStreaks = 0

for experimentNumber in range(10000):
    # Code that creates a list of 100 'heads' or 'tails' values.
    hundredList = []
    streak = 0
    for i in range(100):
    # Code that checks if there is a streak of 6 heads or tails in a row.
    for i in range(len(hundredList)):
        if i == 0:
        elif hundredList[i] == hundredList[(i-1)]:
            streak += 1
            streak = 0

        if streak == 6:
            numberOfStreaks += 1
print('Chance of streak: %s%%' % (numberOfStreaks / 100))
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I think all the answers add something to the question!!! brilliant!!! But, shouldn't it be 'streak == 5' if we are looking for 6 continuous same coin flip. For ex, THHHHHHT, streak == 6 won't be helpful here.

Code for just 100 flips:

coinFlipList = []

for i in range(0,100):
    if random.randint(0,1)==0:

totalStreak = 0
countStreak = 0
for index,item in enumerate(coinFlipList):
    if index == 0:
    elif coinFlipList[index] == coinFlipList[index-1]:
        countStreak += 1
        countStreak = 0
    if countStreak == 5:
        totalStreak += 1
print('Total streaks %s' %(totalStreak))

Let me know, if I missed anything.

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