I've just installed the latest version of Appserv ( 9.3.0 ), which includes:

Apache 2.4.41
PHP 7.3.10
MySQL 8.0.17
phpMyAdmin 4.9.1

I'm using Localhost as my root directory and trying to reuse old files to build a new website, but I'm noticing a problem.

I'm using the include() function, but there is a problem.

<?php include(file.php); ?> shows the contents of file.php, but, if I delete file.php, it doesn't give me an error message saying file.php could not be found. Why is this?

W Six
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  • Do you have error reporting and displaying enabled on the server? Have you checked the server error logs? – jrswgtr Mar 01 '20 at 10:46
  • I don't know. I had an old version of appserv and everything worked fine, this new version isn't doing what I expected. How do I even enable error reporting? – W Six Mar 01 '20 at 10:49
  • Does this answer your question? [How do I get PHP errors to display?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053424/how-do-i-get-php-errors-to-display) – jrswgtr Mar 01 '20 at 10:51
  • Not really @jrswgtr - Most logical seems to be to set `display_errors = on` in php.ini, but I've tried this and it's still not working. – W Six Mar 01 '20 at 11:00
  • Ignore that. I removed `error_reporting(1);` and it's now working fine. – W Six Mar 01 '20 at 11:02

2 Answers2


Answer to secondly:

include() on a non-existent file produces an error of type E_WARNING. For testing purposes simply add this line of code


before using an include() statement.

For production you should avoid displaying any kind of errors. You can register your own error handler with set_error_handler().

set_error_handler(function ($no, $err, $file, $line)
    // do whatever you want to if an error of type E_WARNING occurs
Bär Ger
  • 90
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  • Thanks. I added `error_reporting(1);` before the include statement but it's still not giving me an error message. – W Six Mar 01 '20 at 10:55
  • Try adding: ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); – Bär Ger Mar 01 '20 at 11:00
  • Update : I editied my php.ini file and this is now working. Any ideas about my first problem? – W Six Mar 01 '20 at 11:02

In Windows 10, go to:

Start > Appserv > PHP Edit php.ini

Find line : display_errors Off and change to display_errors On

Save & Close

Start > AppServ > Apache Restart

W Six
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