I'm trying to install android studio on linux manjaro but it shows me following error:

SDK emulator directory is missing

How i can to fix it?

The error mesage:

error screenshot

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2 Answers2


Sorry for my bad English.
i had this problem in windows 10, but may be my solution works for you.
i search about this problem for 3 days! and found out this issue occurs because of:

  1. You are using bad VPN:
    for checking this run android studio and manually TYPE (in next item you will know why i am telling this) file address being download in browser. if you can download it, your connection has no problem.
    for example https://dl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml
    Android studio download progress image
  2. Your regional format is not to set English:
    as you can see in previous image, link contains a number (...addons_list-2) but because of regional format it not shown in English format and so it can not be downloaded. i used fiddler to recognize this; in fiddler link contained a "?" instead of "2"; so just change you regional format
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I met this problem this morning.

Because I did not drop Android Studio into Application directory, It disappear after it be drop into /Users/{user name}/Applications directory, you can drop it in /Applications or Launchpad, etc.

or, you can check SDK directory if exist, try to manual create emulator directory, but I think it not best way to try, because we should find the root cause (like access right, etc).

Good luck, hope you fix it already.

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