I want to check if the username exist in the table or not.The code is working when i select everything from the table but i get a error when i only try username.The error i get is

File "\Python\Python37\lib\tkinter__init__.py", line 1705, in call return self.func(*args)

File /Calculator_calorie/login_register.py", line 89, in create


File \Calculator_calorie\login_backend.py", line 18, in insert

if cur.execute('SELECT name FROM user WHERE name = ?',(name)):

sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 1, and there are 4 supplied.

import sqlite3
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from user import user

def connect():
    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE if NOT exists user(name text,password text)")

def insert(name,password):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    if cur.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ?', (name)):
        if cur.fetchone():
          messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'User already exist')
           cur.execute('INSERT INTO user VALUES(?,?)', (name, password))
           messagebox.showinfo('Register', 'Entry sucess')


def create(self):
         if self.passwordr1e.get() != self.passwordr2e.get():
             messagebox.showinfo('error','Passwords do not match')
         elif len(self.namere.get()) == 0:
             messagebox.showinfo('error', 'Name field is empty')

         elif len(self.passwordr1e.get()) == 0:
               messagebox.showinfo('error', 'PASSWORD field is empty')


1 Answers1


As Michael commented, for Python to recognize a tuple with a single value it needs a comma at the end. (name,) not (name). See W3Schools Python Tuples.

if cur.execute('SELECT name FROM user WHERE name = ?',(name,)):

Note that if you're just checking if a row exists, select 1 to save a bit of time.

However, there's a safer and faster way to do this.

As Chris commented, checking for a user and inserting if they're not contains a race condition. If two processes try to create the same user at the same time they will both think it's not there and both insert resulting in a duplicate.

     Proc 1                                       Proc 2
t    SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ?
i                                                 SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ?
m    0 records found
e                                                 0 records found
|    INSERT INTO user VALUES(?,?)
v                                                 INSERT INTO user VALUES(?,?)

Instead, set up a unique constraint, do the insert, and catch the unique error.

CREATE TABLE if NOT exists user(
  name text unique not null,
  password text not null

def insert(name,password):
    cur = conn.cursor()

        cur.execute('INSERT INTO user VALUES(?,?)', (name, password))
        messagebox.showinfo('Register', 'Entry sucess')
    except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
        if re.match(r'UNIQUE constraint failed', e.args[0]):
            messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'User already exist')
            raise e


Doing the check for existence and insert in a single query is referred to as being "atomic" because the two parts cannot be separated.


Writing SQL by hand is good for learning, but for production work use a framework such as SQL Alchemy.

Storing passwords as plain text is insecure. Use a password hashing library such as bcrypt and read up on password hashing.

Reconnecting to the database for every query is inefficient. Connect once and keep the connection open.

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