I get mysql data.

Create - echo the mysql data as html.

If visitor wants to print the data as pdf (i mean to create pdf file and save on computer), i with jquery take the data and send to external php file. In the external php file, using http://www.tcpdf.org solution i want to create pdf file (on fly, only as variable; i do not want to save the file on my server) so that user can save it.

User remains on the same url, just after user clicks button, i offer the user to save rendered pdf. I do not want to change url or add html content to the url (like print_pdf.php?html_content).

At the moment i use code like below.

<div id="to_print_as_pdf">
<div>Some content from mysql</div>
<table>Another content from mysql</table>

<button type="button">Click to print as pdf</button>
<span id="result_print_pdf"></span>

Jquery to send the data



{ content_to_print: $('#to_print_as_pdf').html() }, 
function(result_print_pdf) { 
$('#result_print_pdf').html(result_print_pdf).css('color', 'black');



File _prepare_to_print_pdf.php

$_SESSION['content_to_print'] = trim($_POST['content_to_print']);

window.location.href = "https://www.example.com/_print_pdf.php";

File _print_pdf.php

//Use http://www.tcpdf.org solution
$html = $_SESSION['content_to_print'];
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
$pdf->Output('example_001.pdf', 'I');

How to do the same without _prepare_to_print_pdf.php? Above solution waste server resources (creating session).

I tried with $.post to send html content directly to _print_pdf.php, but in such case instead of prompting to to save pdf file, i see "garbage" characters...

Solution at the moment

May be will help to someone

$('#for_hidden_form_for_print_pdf').append('<form action="_print_pdf.php" method="post" target="_blank" id="hidden_form_for_print_pdf">' + 
'<textarea id="content_to_print" name="content_to_print">html content to send </textarea>' + 
'<div><button style="display: none;" id="btn_to_print_pdf">Print pdf</button></div></form>');


$( "#hidden_form_for_print_pdf" ).remove();

So when visitor clicks button/icon, i take necessary html data, insert into textarea id="content_to_print". Then trigger click for btn_to_print_pdf, then remove appended form. So i send to external php file, necessary html code. In php file i process the html code, create content for pdf file and print.

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  • Does this answer your question? [Download a file by jQuery.Ajax](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4545311/download-a-file-by-jquery-ajax) – Patrick Q Feb 06 '20 at 17:38
  • I read it... but...not sure. Code looks differently and as i understand code takes existing file. But if no simple solution, then again will go through the answer. And seems if the answer will not help, then will use the existing solution. – user2360831 Feb 06 '20 at 17:42
  • "Code looks differently" Yes, it is using the native [fetch API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch) instead of jQuery's `$.ajax` – Patrick Q Feb 06 '20 at 17:44
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    Another option would be to add a form to your HTML that just has a hidden input (and nothing else) and an action of "_print_pdf.php" and method of "post". On click of the button, populate the value of the hidden input with the desired text and trigger a form submit. That will allow you to use `$_POST['content_to_print']` instead of `$_SESSION['content_to_print']`. – Patrick Q Feb 06 '20 at 17:47
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    Thanks, at the moment decided to use your solution. – user2360831 Feb 07 '20 at 06:03

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