How to make a list in HTML with exactly this kind of numbering, please?

(01) Itemitemitemitem
(02) Itemitemitemitem
(03) Itemitemitemitem
(04) Itemitemitemitem

But notice, please, that I am just complete amateur, so I need really simple and friendly explanation. Thanks.

  • 1
    What do you mean by "numbering"? Also, we expect at least some code showing what you have attempted, even if it doesn't work. Please, take a look at [ask] and maybe [mcve] could be useful too – Calvin Nunes Feb 05 '20 at 21:29
  • 1
    would : `ol{list-style:decimal-leading-zero}`be enough ? please add your HTML code and your css attempts – G-Cyrillus Feb 05 '20 at 21:34
  • You should add your code to the question, and the most usefull, so you get efficeint help , no one has to guess if willing to help, you get no downvote and nor a closed question :) Welcome on SO. – G-Cyrillus Feb 05 '20 at 21:52
  • [Welcome to StackOverflow](http://StackOverflow.com/tour) - Please read our [ask] page and [edit] your question to improve it. Good questions tend to receive quicker, better answers from the community. – blurfus Feb 05 '20 at 21:54

4 Answers4


you just need to add the list-style-type:

ol { list-style-type: none;counter-reset: item;padding:0 }
li { counter-increment: item; }
li:before { content: " ("counter(item,decimal-leading-zero)") "; }
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You may use a counter if ( & ) are also required to be seen:

The counter() CSS function returns a string representing the current value of the named counter, if there is one. It is generally used with pseudo-elements, but can be used, theoretically, anywhere a value is supported.

ol {
  list-style-type: none;/* remove the marker */
  /* mind also other list style */
  counter-reset: count;

li {
  counter-increment: count;

li::before {
  content: "(" counter(count, decimal-leading-zero) ") ";
  <li> Item</li>
  <li> Item</li>
  <li> Item</li>
  <li> Item</li>
  <li> Item</li>
  <li> Item</li>
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You need to use disable default list-style-type and use a custom list-style-type using the counter property and pseudo-element ::before https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_counters.asp.

With this property, you can use it with something other than

ol {
  list-style-type: none;
  counter-reset: step;

li {
  counter-increment: step;

li:before {
  content: "("counter(step, decimal-leading-zero)") ";

In HTML you can use the <ol> tag. This stands for ordered list and will number your list items for you.

The list items will use the <li> tag. This stands for list item.

For example:

Kes Walker
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