I have developed a rails 5 application that works fine in http://localhost:3000/

Now, I need that this application starts in localhost:3000/example, and that links goes through this new host, (localhost:3000/example/users/new for example). I have got that assets and javascripts works fine in localhost:3000/example with:

config.root_path = '/example'

but links still redirects to the old one (for example, localhost:3000/users/new).

Anyone know how can I fix it? Thanks in advance

1 Answers1


wrap your entire routes configurations in a scope


Rails.application.routes.draw do
   scope '/example' do
     #all the routes goes here

you can change how assets delivery path with this

for more info : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#controller-namespaces-and-routing


config.action_controller.asset_host = "example.com"
config.assets.prefix = '/example'


Nijeesh Joshy
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