I am building a simple chess application and I've been finding some issues. Here is my problem:

I have a class Piece:

class Piece {
    std::string name; // this is to store the piece's name (bishop, rook, etc.)
    int positionX;
    int positionY;
    std::string getName();

And I also have a class Board, which has a 8x8 matrix of Pieces:

class Board {
    // the construct fills the matrix with instances from Piece just so all matrix slots will have a piece
    void showBoard();
    std::vector<std::vector<Piece>> piece;
    void place(Piece piece, char positionY, int positionX);

At the moment, I have a board object with 64 generic Pieces.

Now, I created a class Rook, which inherits from Piece:

class Rook: public Piece {
    std::string color;
    Rook(std::string color);
    std::string getColor();
    bool isRook = true; // dummy attribute just to show you my problem

And now I try to place my rook inside my pieces matrix:

Board board;
Rook rook = Rook("white");
rook.positionX = 3;
rook.positionY = 0;
board.piece.at(rook.positionX).at(rook.positionY) = rook;

std::cout << board.piece.at(3).at(0).positionX << std::endl; // as expected, this outputs 3

Finally, here comes my actual issue:

When I try to access something that only rook has, and not the other pieces, for example the bool isRook, it throws an error that Piece class has no attribute isRook:

std::cout << board.piece.at(3).at(0).isRook << std::endl; // this throws an error "class Piece has no attribute isRook"

I assume this is because I have a matrix of Pieces, so I can't access things that are specific to Rooks. How can I solve this issue?

Samuel Liew
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2 Answers2


The thing is: Either you use polymorphism or you don't. Something in between is possible but adds complications. Having a container of base class pointers and wanting to access an object as a child class is a design smell. You fix it by providing the method in the base class:

class Piece {
    std::string name; // this is to store the piece's name (bishop, rook, etc.)
    int positionX;
    int positionY;
    std::string getName();
    bool isRook();                   // all Pieces have a isRook()
    virtual ~Piece();                // virtual destructor !

Also note that Piece was missing a virtual destructor. Last but not least you need a vector of pointers to make use of polymorphism. Currently you have object slicing. Read more on that here: Why doesn't polymorphism work without pointers/references?

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If you are going to have a polymorphic vector, you need to use a vector of pointers like so:

std::vector<std::vector<Piece*>> piece;

Then you can add different derived objects to the vector like:

piece.push_back(new Rook("white"));
piece.push_back(new Bishop("white"));

You also should use a virtual destructor in the base class:

virtual ~Piece();  

And set the destructor in the board class to handle the new objects accordingly when the board object is destructed:

   for(Piece* p: piece){
      delete p;

Now, this is using raw pointers, maybe a better way to go about it is to use smart pointers.

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