Could someone explain me, why i don't need the \G anchor in the below example ? Clearly i do not understand how regex is parsing the text. I have a big list of ips for example

 $ip4=1..30 | ForEach-Object { "192.168.1.$_" }

I join all the ips using a comma:

$ip4 -join ',',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I want to split them so that i can have the most of ips for 255 char string.

$ip4 -join ',' -replace '(.{216,255}),','$1;' -split ';'  |%{'Next result';$_}

Next result,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Next result,,,,,,,,,

It works ok. But i don't understand why did that work, i thought i should use the \G anchor

like so

$ip4 -join ',' -replace '(\G.{216,255}),','$1;' -split ';'  |%{'Next result';$_}
Next result,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Next result,,,,,,,,,

If i am not using the \G regex should find all the possible matches for : Any character from at least 216 to 255 in length followed by ,
Counted from anywhere he wants unless he can match that pattern. That's why i should use the \G so he counts only the 216-255 character from the last match(the last comma). Can somebody explain where i am doing mistake in understanding regex ? The results are the same if i am using \G or without.

For exampleenter image description here

like on this picture, i can select multiple any characters between 2-8 length that end with comma. Why this is not working as per my marking on the picture ? I thought that this behavior is only when using \G (start counting those any character from last occurence).

For example i understand why there are so many matches of 2 characters here enter image description here I made it lazy, but if i make in my example(the top with ips) it lazy, it does not change anything

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  • Use `-split` and place `\G` in a lookbehind: `-split '(?<=\G.{240,255}(? – Mathias R. Jessen Jan 27 '20 at 10:20
  • I am trying to use this regex for ip6 and ip4, the lookbehind is not working correctly when approaching ip4 {216,255} , because it does not behave as greedy, hence i decided to perform a replace + split on ; , there the .{216,255} for for ip4 and for ip6 – Gregu Jan 27 '20 at 10:27
  • `\G` matches two types of positions: 1) start of the string, 2) end of the previous successful match. If you have two matches that are not immediately consecutive, it will fail. – Wiktor Stribiżew Jan 27 '20 at 11:05

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