P.S: Please don't mark this as Duplicate, I've seen many other questions.
I have a set of URLs to be validated like:

and many more. I'm validating them in javascript. I've seen many questions and found the regex I'm looking for. This seems to suit my need:


My question is that, is there a universal standard for URL validation regex that is used by everyone, or do we just use the regex suited for our needs?

  • If there exists a post asking about an universal Regexp for URL validation, and an answer providing such a Regexp, why shouldn't this question be marked as a dup? – Teemu Jan 23 '20 at 05:24
  • I've seen that question, I'm asking whether there is a standard that is followed everywhere strictly :( – Sanjay Bharathi Jan 23 '20 at 05:26
  • To me it looks like you're asking a RegExp, there is a [standard](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt) though. – Teemu Jan 23 '20 at 05:31
  • @Teemu So, if I tweak my regex to that standard, then I'd be following the norms, right? – Sanjay Bharathi Jan 23 '20 at 05:34
  • 1
    Well, kinda, see also [this answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/1305082/1169519). – Teemu Jan 23 '20 at 05:34
  • 1
    It appears bobince's answer is a bit outdated, though still correct what comes to regexps. Take a look at [URL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL/URL) at MDN. – Teemu Jan 23 '20 at 05:42

1 Answers1


I believe below regex will work for all the URL validation:
