In my project using PagedListAdapter for pagination and the app also able to search by keyword.


@Query("SELECT * FROM Item WHERE name LIKE :keyword")
fun getItems(keyword: String): DataSource.Factory<Int, ItemEntity>


lateinit var itemLivePagedList: LiveData<PagedList<Item>>


val dataSourceFactory = itemUseCase.getItems(keyword)
val boundaryCallback = MyBoundaryCallback(itemUseCase, compositeDisposable, PAGE_SIZE)
itemLivePagedList = LivePagedListBuilder(dataSourceFactory, pagedListConfig)

How can I update the list when keyword changed?

Muntasir Aonik
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1 Answers1


When keyword changes, you have to call itemUseCase.getItems(keyword) again.

Look at this project. it has been written in Java but it shows how to implement a search scenario with PagingLibrary.

For more details see this answer.

Mir Milad Hosseiny
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