I recently noticed usage like this in a java script code base what does it do. I was unable to find any relevant documentation regarding that. Though intuitively operators seem to checking whether property is present. Is there any official documentation regarding this.


args?.propertyName !== 'someValue'
const value = props.someProp ?? props.defaultProp;

2 Answers2


They are for optionals:

val ?? other is called nullish coalescing operator and is equivalent to val == null ? other : val

and optionalThing?.property is refered as optional chaining and is the same as optionalThing == null ? null : optionalThing.property

This optional chaining expressions result in shorter and simpler expressions when accessing chained properties when the possibility exists that a reference may be missing ( allows you to do things like optionalThing?.optionalProperty?.anotherOptionalProperty?.property ).

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The ?. is called the optional chaining operator (TC39 Stage 4), it is used when you are not sure whether a nested property exists or not. If you try to use the . operator to access a property which is undefined you get a TypeError.

For example:

const obj = {foo: {} };

//This is safe, results in undefined

//This results in Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'baz' of undefined

Where as the ?? is called the null coalescing operator (TC39 Stage 3). When you are using falsy values like an empty string "" or a 0 with a || operator the operand on the right hand side of the || is returned as the falsy value is ignored.

The ?? comes handy when you don't want that and actually you want to consider the falsy values. If the value on the left is a null or undefined only then the value on the right of the ?? is taken:

For example:

const empString = "";
const defaultValue = empString || "A default value";
//Outputs A default value as "" empty string is falsy

const actualValue = empString ?? "A default value";
//Does not print the default value as the empString is neither null or undefined

Same for other falsy values like 0, false, in disagreement with the || operator which will output the 'default string:

console.log(false ?? 'default') //false

console.log(0 ?? 'default') // 0

Only for undefined and null this will output the default value provided in agreement with the || operator:

console.log(undefined ?? 'default') //default

console.log(null ?? 'default') //default
Fullstack Guy
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