I have a dev Linux server (RHEL) which doesn't have any internet connectivity where we need to develop a python application. I can connect to this dev box from my local Windows server where I have internet connection.

I would need to install python-3.75 and some other packages (some of which need gcc compilers and other dependencies) on this dev box.

What is the best way to do this considering that some packages will have many dependencies and there is no internet on the dev box ?

Some options that the internet research suggests for package installation are:

  1. Download the packages using PIP DOWNLOAD on the local server > copy the package tar to the dev server > pip install package

  2. download and unpack the source distribution > using the setup.py file of the package: run python setup.py install --user

  3. Install using Wheels: Find the wheel for the package > upload it to the dev server > run pip install SomePackage.whl

Please let me know which one of these is good considering the limitations and kindly suggest if there is any other option as well.

  • Even if you do any of these. There is still a good chance that you will miss something. – WiLL_K Jan 08 '20 at 08:10
  • Does this answer your question? [Python Packages Offline Installation](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11091623/python-packages-offline-installation) – WiLL_K Jan 08 '20 at 08:12
  • let me check. My only concern in this approach is that my local server is Windows and target is Linux. But let me see if I can do something with it – ABusy_developerT Jan 08 '20 at 08:30

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