I need to input n number of strings seperated by this simbol | and put them inside of an array**.** E.g. split 0010|1010|1111 to {0010, 1010, 1111} I know the number of "blocks"(strings between the simbol) and the size of each string that is constant. I'm having real trouble finding how to do this online.

  • Hint: use `std::string` and treat it as an array. – Thomas Matthews Jan 02 '20 at 18:44
  • The linked duplicate is completly outdated and should not be used any longer. It is 2020 now. You should use ````std::sregex_token_iterator```` or ````ranges::view::split('|').```` result is always a one-liner. – Armin Montigny Jan 03 '20 at 09:35

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