Seems pretty straightforward, but am not having any success.

Pretty simple, using AHK, I want to get the number of the last row in a worksheet with a value in it, going from the bottom up. I can't go top down because some rows are blank, so has to be bottom up.

My code loops through all files in a selected folder (which only contain excel files), opens them, then tries to set the print area based on how many rows are used in the file. If it's <= 43 rows, set the print area to 43rd row, if it's more, set the print area to that row.

My code for test.ahk looks like this:

FileSelectFolder, WhichFolder  ; Ask the user to pick a folder.

Loop, %WhichFolder%\*.*

    Xl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
    Xl.Workbooks.open(A_LoopFileFullPath)       ; open workbook
    Xl.Visible := 1                             ; make Excel Application visible

    Xl.DisplayAlerts := False

    ; First check if it's the dumb file that opens first, not part of the folder
    if xl.ActiveWorkbook.Name = "test.ahk" {

    ; Wait for the workbook to open
    Sleep, 2000

    ; Always start on the first worksheet

    ; Now find the last used row for the print area
    ; If the last used row is on page 1, set it to the 43rd row

    lastRow := xl.ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    ;MsgBox, %lastRow%

    ; Set the print area
    if lastRow <= 43 {
        xl.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea := "A1:K43" 
    else {
        xl.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea := "A1:K"lastRow

    ; Wait to close the script if you want for testing
    Sleep, 20000

    ; Close and save the workbook

    Xl.DisplayAlerts := True


...and I'm getting this error:


I've tried lots of other combinations of trying to get the last row with a value in it too, but have had no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Matt Wilson
  • 603
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  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7099770/hresult-0x800a03ec-on-worksheet-range Lots of things that could go wrong but ... one answer says indexing starts at 1. Is it possible there are no rows and you are asking Excel for `A0`? – ta.speot.is Dec 23 '19 at 01:01
  • 1
    Also `Xl.Worksheets("FIRE EXT.")` appears in your error but not the code you posted. – ta.speot.is Dec 23 '19 at 01:02
  • I managed to find a solution. Will post now. Thanks! – Matt Wilson Dec 23 '19 at 01:14

1 Answers1



Found a working formula thanks to the help above:

xlUp := -4162
BottomRow := xl.Sheets(1).Rows.Count
LastRow1 := xl.Sheets(1).Range("B" BottomRow).End(xlUp).Row
Matt Wilson
  • 603
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  • 22