For my google app engine application, I need to include a autocompleter Textbox which will show the name starting with the textbox value.And the name will retrieve from the google app engine datastore.

Any good tutorial or sample code please.

Update: Please Answer for this

I created a sample HTML code : dl.dropbox.com/u/7384181/autocomplete/autocomplete.html . In this html page i have creating the textbox dinamically.So currently i assign the autocomplete in the first textbox(txtProduct1) only. How do i assign the autocomplete in rest all the textbox which is going to create dynamically ?

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Nijin Narayanan
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  • possible duplicate of [Create Form Auto Complete in Google App Engine](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243570/create-form-auto-complete-in-google-app-engine) – Nick Johnson Oct 25 '11 at 02:40

3 Answers3


You can have a look at the jquery auto complete here




jquery autocomplete plugin by default uses variable q

class search_user(webapp.RequestHandler):
            q = (self.request.GET['q']).lower() 
            for records in result:
                print records+"|"+records+"\n"

application = webapp.WSGIApplication([

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':


Apply the autocomplete to a class $

Abdul Kader
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    You're not using `q` in the datastore query! – Nick Johnson May 09 '11 at 19:02
  • Hi @Abdulkader, I am unable to see the original code by the OP. I have asked a similar question and I wonder if you could take a look. I would appreciate it so much: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25979567/jquery-autocomplete-with-remote-json-source-google-app-engine-python – hyang123 Oct 04 '14 at 19:01

Look into JQuery's autocomplete plugin, you can use a django template tag to populate the data. Below is an example if your data is separated by commas.


names=[name for name in db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM names")]


var data = "{{names}}".split(",");
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Using autocomplete with GAE Python and YUI3 AutoComplete Plugin.

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  • If you identify a duplicate, you should flag it as such - not post your answer to both of them. – Nick Johnson Oct 25 '11 at 02:40
  • @NickJohnson - thanks for your suggestion that I'll follow when appropriate. But I didn't identify duplicates - you did. I happened to answer two related questions with the reference to the same blog that addresses both questions and some more. – topchef Oct 25 '11 at 05:20
  • Because both questions are _identical_, which you must have noticed when you answered both. – Nick Johnson Oct 25 '11 at 23:00