I am trying to implement a calculation for the Schur Complement of a symmetric matrix. The equation for this value is:

M = A - B^T C B

Where A, B, C are block components of the matrix

S = (A | B^T)
    (B | C )

Suppose I have defined numpy arrays for A, B and C:

  • A is a 3x3 Matrix
  • B is a 3x2 Matrix
  • C is a 2x2 matrix

I have performed the operation to obtain S using numpy:

 M = A - np.matmul(B.T, np.matmul(C, B))

Assuming this is the correct operation, is there a more pythonic way to write this code?

Kind regards!


Were I using Python 3.5+, then the @ solution suggested would be ideal.

The reason for my question is that, if one was doing a complex set of matrix multiplications, using nested np.matmult() or np.dot() becomes very difficult to read without defining new variables in each step.

For example, for the equation M = A^-1 - C^TXC becomes

np.linalg.inv(A) - np.dot(C.T, np.dot(X,C))


 np.linalg.inv(A) - np.matmult(C.T, np.matmult(X,C))

The nesting makes it harder to check the operator order is correct, since:

np.linalg.inv(A) - np.matmult(C.T, np.matmult(X,C)) != np.linalg.inv(A) - np.matmult(C.T, np.matmult(C,X)) 

(in most cases)

By contrast:

np.linalg.inv(A) - C.T @ X @ C

Clearly allows the reader to know what is going on in this line of code and to check the operator order.

Jack Rolph
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1 Answers1


Try the @ shorthand:

M = A - B.T @ C @ B

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