I am currently building an app in android, and I am trying to record my audio over an existing audio file (without changing the length of the file), does anyone know how is it possible to do that? Everything I tried just puts the audio files one after another in one file.

1 Answers1


A. You should use GGmpeg for Android, for example. Here you have some questions like yours.

B. Another approach, although limited, is Android SoundPool. Check documentation here.

The sound pool requires you to manage multiple files rather than doing mixdowns and playback of a single file. It would be cool if the soundpool let you grap the output as a IOStream but, alas, the SDK doesn't seem to allow it. Further, it would be nice if the AudioRecorder allowed you to grab a stream from the music layer...but that doesn't look possible either. List of audio inputs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaRecorder.AudioSource.html

SOURCE: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2254086/9415337

C. Others suggest also doing it in a backend server.

D. This might also help you.

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  • Hello, Thanks for your help! Yet I still have a problem because I use windows, and he this is a download of a tar file. –  Dec 09 '19 at 15:33