I'm looking to get intersection of two custom vectors - v and w - and then deleting common elements from original vector - v. But somehow size of y in my case is 0 always

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class A{
    int x;
    A(int i) { x = i; } 
    ~A() {}
    void getx() { cout << x << " "; } 
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const A&a) {
        cout << a.x;
        return o;

struct mycomparer {
    bool operator()(const A* a, const A* b) {
        return a->x < b->x;

int main()
    vector<A*> v;
    v.push_back(new A(1));
    v.push_back(new A(2));
    v.push_back(new A(4));
    v.push_back(new A(3));
    v.push_back(new A(5));

    vector<A*> w;
    w.push_back(new A(3));
    w.push_back(new A(2));

    vector<A*> y;
    vector<A*>::iterator it, st;
    it = set_intersection(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin(), w.end(), y.begin(), mycomparer());

    cout << " y size "  << y.size() << endl;

    if (y.size()) {
        for (st = y.begin(); st != y.end(); st++)

    for (st = v.begin(); st != v.end(); st++) {
        printf("%d ", (*st)->x);
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

This is just a sample which I wrote and my intend is not to check for any other C++ rules.

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    From the spec: "Elements are compared using the given binary comparison function comp and the __ranges must be sorted__ with respect to the same." – Albjenow Dec 05 '19 at 09:52
  • Aside: You don't need `new` to create objects. `vector v; v.push_back(A(1));` etc. – Caleth Dec 05 '19 at 09:57
  • Recommended read: [Why is “using namespace std;” considered bad practice?](https://stackoverflow.com/q/1452721); [Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?](https://stackoverflow.com/q/6500313); [C++: “std::endl” vs “\n”](https://stackoverflow.com/q/213907) – L. F. Dec 05 '19 at 10:01
  • std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), mycomparer()); std::sort(w.begin(), w.end(), mycomparer()); it = set_intersection(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin(), w.end(), y.begin(), mycomparer()); This gives segfault in set_intersection @Albjenow – Ashish Malhotra Dec 05 '19 at 10:02
  • @Caleth OK then ... at least it's half-minimal code ... – L. F. Dec 05 '19 at 10:02

3 Answers3


You haven't obeyed the requirements of std::set_intersection.

Constructs a sorted range beginning at d_first consisting of elements that are found in both sorted ranges [first1, last1) and [first2, last2). If some element is found m times in [first1, last1) and n times in [first2, last2), the first std::min(m, n) elements will be copied from the first range to the destination range. The order of equivalent elements is preserved. The resulting range cannot overlap with either of the input ranges.

Neither v nor w are sorted w.r.t mycomparer. That's the first undefined behaviour.

Just passing y.begin() does not mean elements are added to y, for that you need std::back_inserter(y). That's the second undefined behaviour.

You haven't obeyed the requirements of std::vector::erase. It's argument is an iterator into that vector. You are using an iterator from y, not v. That's the third undefined behaviour.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

class A{
    int x;
    A(int i) { x = i; } 
    ~A() {}
    void getx() { cout << x << " "; } 
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const A&a) {
        cout << a.x;
        return o;

struct mycomparer {
    bool operator()(const A* a, const A* b) {
        return a->x < b->x;

int main()
    std::vector<A*> v;
    v.push_back(new A(1));
    v.push_back(new A(2));
    v.push_back(new A(4));
    v.push_back(new A(3));
    v.push_back(new A(5));

    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), mycomparer());

    std::vector<A*> w;
    w.push_back(new A(3));
    w.push_back(new A(2));

    std::sort(w.begin(), w.end(), mycomparer());

    std::vector<A*> y;
    set_intersection(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin(), w.end(), std::back_inserter(y), mycomparer());

    std::cout << " y size "  << y.size() << std::endl;

    for (st = y.begin(); st != y.end(); st++)
        v.erase(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), *st));

    for (st = v.begin(); st != v.end(); st++) {
        std::cout << (*st)->x) << std::endl;

    return 0;

As an aside, you could instead use std::set_difference to find the elements in v not in w directly.

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There are many issues with your code... I just put them in modified code

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

// don't using namespace std;

class A {
    int x; // don't expose internals
    constexpr A(int i) noexcept : x(i) {}

    constexpr int GetX() const noexcept { return x; } // don't make a getter to print

    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const A& a) {
        o << a.x; // don't push to cout in an ostream operator <<
        return o;

// use lambda instead of functors
static constexpr auto mycomparer =
[](std::shared_ptr<A> const& a, std::shared_ptr<A> const& b) noexcept {
        return a->GetX() < b->GetX();

int main()
    // you were not deleting the new elements: memory leak
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> v; // e.g. use smart pointers

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> w;

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> y;

    //you have to sort before calling set_intersection
    std::sort(std::begin(v), std::end(v), mycomparer);
    std::sort(std::begin(w), std::end(w), mycomparer);

        std::cbegin(v), std::cend(v), // use const iterators
        std::cbegin(w), std::cend(w),
        std::back_inserter(y), mycomparer); // you cannot iterate over an empty array. Use the backinserter

    std::cout << " y size " << y.size() << '\n';

    // you cannot use an iterator to a vector y to delete from vector v!
    //if (y.size() > 0) { // not required
        for (auto const& el : y)
            v.erase(std::find(std::cbegin(v), std::cend(v), el)); 

    for (auto const& el : v) {
        std::cout << el->GetX() << " ";
    std::cout << '\n'; // prefer \n over endl for speed

    //return 0; // not required
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1) In vector w you should push new A(2) first, then new A(3). For your actual code, your vectors must be sorted according to the comparator beforehand, as previously mentioned in commentaries, or you absolutely cannot use set_intersection.

2) vector y has size 0, because set_intersection does not insert new elements at iterator, but instead assigns with operator =. Instead of y.begin() you should use std::back_inserter(y), which would actually insert elements on assignment.

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