I have a table with a lot of columns. So I want to create column headings with the text vertial with something like

  <tr><td style="vertical???">Vertical</td>
      <td style="Vertical???">Heading</td>...</tr>

Nothing fancy. No fancy offsets. Just vertical text in a cell.

It would end up something like

V   H
e   e
r   a
t   d
i   i
c   n
a   g

I have tried many variations of floats and transform-origin but have failed to do this simplest thing. Weird text outside the box, easy. But a simple table heading, no.

Is it possible without resorting to absolute positioning and other gross hacks?

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3 Answers3


Try this, hope it will be helpful for you..

table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
  padding: 5px;
  text-align: left;    
td {
 writing-mode: vertical-lr;
 text-orientation: upright;
<table style="width:100%">
    <th colspan="2">Telephone</th>
    <td>Bill Gates</td>
Sunil R.
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If you have the option to add custom html, you can just use linebreaks.

  width: 100%;

Otherwise I am afraid you will be looking at a JavaScript based solution. Something like this:

window.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
  let verticals = document.querySelectorAll( 'td.vertical' );
  verticals.forEach( node => {
    node.innerHTML = node.innerText.replace( /./g, `$&<br>`);
  width: 100%;
  <td class="vertical">Vertical</td>
  <td class="vertical">Heading</td>
Rob Monhemius
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You can use CSS/text-orientation. But it doesn't change the width of td so made trick used div inside of td for which you want vertical text.

Here is the working example:

.vertical {
  writing-mode: vertical-lr;
  text-orientation: upright;
      <div class="vertical">Vertical</div>
      <div class="vertical">Heading</div>

      <div class="vertical">Vertical</div>
      <div class="vertical">Heading</div>
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  • Nice. Please be aware of browser support of the Edge browser however: https://caniuse.com/#search=text-orientation. That said, it does look like they will support `text-orientation` in the future ;). – Rob Monhemius Nov 28 '19 at 13:05
  • Could you elaborate why the `writing mode` and `text-orientation` css-properties do not work on a node with `display: table-cell`? – Rob Monhemius Nov 28 '19 at 13:10
  • Thanks. The Div does not seem to fix the width problem, but I can hack that. I was looking at the wrong place, transforms instead of Vertical Text. – Tuntable Nov 29 '19 at 00:11
  • Actually sideways-lr is what I wanted. I never did figure out how to get it top to bottom, but close enough. – Tuntable Nov 29 '19 at 00:48