I have read those other posts about it and it seems we have done pretty much the same, and it still does not work.

What I would like to do is to have the url sub.domain.com going to my default App Engine service and api.sub.domain.com to go to my "api" App Engine service (both services under the same GCP project).

sub.domain.com is already registered like a custom domain in App Engine and when I go to sub.domain.com it works (I can see my home page).

But this homepage also makes ajax calls to api.sub.domain.com and those don't work: I get a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN from Google Chrome.

We have a dispatch as follow:

  - url: api.sub.domain.com/*
    service: api
  - url: api-dot-myproject.appspot.com/*
    service: api
  - url: sub.domain.com/*
    service: default
  - url: myproject.appspot.com/*
    service: default

So I'm not sure if there is something to do on the DNS of domain.com or if it's about those wildcard things in CNAME entries (like explained in murrayc blog post), or if it's something else.

Any help appreciated!

Valentin Coudert
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1 Answers1


As it is stated in the official documentation :

1) Wildcard mappings are not supported for managed SSL certificates.

2) Some DNS providers might not work with wildcard subdomain mapping. In particular, a DNS provider must permit wildcards in CNAME host entries.

I think that one of those two could be the main root cause for your issue in this particular context, as you dispatch.yaml looks fine.

Also, do you have your dispatch: written before declaring your urls, and services? You have here an example of what I am saying.

Andrei Tigau
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